Chapter 7

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Jongho had waited 3 days to see if Yeosang would come around but nothing happened.

Yeosang continued to ignore him and it was slowly eating at jonghos confidence. He was known to be the strong maknae and the most strong willed since no matter what he continued to provide for his fans.

But this, this tore right into his heart and he didn't understand what has him so affected. He understands the male must be ashamed of himself but they're simply just clothes, the colour or the style determines whose it is, their just pieces of fabric sewn together, he found it odd how they were sexualised and was only for one specific gender. Aren't they just things people were to not get arrested for nudity?

He was so confused but sighed and shook his head, at the moment he was eating his breakfast slowly being the only one awake so he made an easy breakfast that is ramen. He knew it was unhealthy but he didn't know how to cook grand meals all he knew was how to scramble and cook eggs that's about it.

(I know jongho hasn't practiced his cooking so this is not hate or a snide comment please don't attack me)

As he finished his bowl and placed it in the sink to wash he heard small footsteps coming down the hallway.
He wanted to know who it was so he left the dishes and walked around the corner to see his short angelic hyung who at the moment hated his every fibre and being.

He gave an awkward cough which caused Yeosang to face him with a shocked look having not heard his youngest member.

"jongho" he curtly replied and jongho nodded to him.

"hyung, do you want some ramen?" he asked trying to start conversation.
Said male only sighed and nodded before going to sit in the front room.

Jongho quickly made the ramen and set it on the table infront of his hyung who waited about 5 minutes before digging in.

Jongho just watched awkwardly until his hyung was finished. He grabbed the dish and returned to the kitchen to clean them up trying his hardest to be quiet since the others were still asleep.

After he was done he joined Yeosang in the front room and sat on the opposirlte seat turning to his phone thay had been in his pocket the whole time. He checked the time before playing games.

06:15. It was too early for the others to be awake. So jongho wasted his time by games.

After about an hour jongho sighed and gained a bit of confidence.
"hyung why dis you have girls clothes?" jongho asked causing Yeosang to freeze. There was silence for a minute before Yeosang glared.

"non of your business." Yeosang replied harshly causing jongho to flinch but he was still determined to Fed ond out the truth.

"do you like wearing them, I searched online and it says your type are called cross dressers I'm assuming you don't want to be male." jongho said with his innocent mind however that didn't seem to be the best thing to say at this moment in time.

"I do want to be a guy but I've always thought I would be more liked as a girl, so at first I simply did it for that but then I fell in love with the clothes, they're cute and they're comfortable" Yeosang explained with a pained expression on his face.

"and before you start complaining, I think like this because I'm untalented, I don't have good looks I'm always the back ground figure in everything, and I hate it. It makes me feel worthless and used, but I can't go against out contractors ideals because I'll loose what little I have left, you guys are my new family despite how I acted in the past that was all because of the way I think of myself. " Yeosang added but cut himself off as tears pooled in his eyes. Jongho stared shocked and mouth agape, he didn't know his hyung felt this way, he could tell himself and some of the other members were favoured by the company but he didn't think it would affect everyone this far.

(don't hate me and before yall complain this is simply made up and for the plot of Yeosang feels this way that's his business but I mean no hate on anything or anyone, I hope you can do the same)

After snapping out of his shock he cleared his throat and moved around the table to sit besides his hyung and being him into a hug.

"I know I can't make you think otherwise by expressing the opposite but I hope you dont try to hide this, if it's hurting you please speak up I don't want to see you hurt." jongho replied softly into Yeosangs ear as he too started crying after seeing his hyung so broken.

" just know your not useless or used, we love you and no one can say otherwise. If you have preferences as such then their yours you shouldn't feel ashamed like this, though it's hurting you it's hurting us more for either not knowing about this and not knowing how we can help" jongho spoke as he squeezed his hyung tighter.

"I hope you can forgive me for snooping, I won't do that again but please let me help you." jongho added and Yeosang sniffed and nodded

"please don't tell anyone, they may accept in gay but I don't know if they will accept this too. Please don't betray me" Yeosang begged and jongho sighed before nodding knowing he can't change his mind.

"OK" jongho replied and melted into the hug and storming Yeosangs head.

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