Chapter 5

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It's been a week and progress with jongho is steady and regular. Today was a day off and the boys had no other option but to stay indoors due to the heavy rain that was outside.

This gave them time to spend as a family. Today was the day Yeosang wanted to tell the group about him being gay however first he wanted to tell jongho.

So he walked into his shared room with the youngest member seeing him sat on the bed playing a game on his phone.

Jongho who was too immersed in his game didn't notice Yeosang so the older male cleared his throat and finally jonghos head snapped up towards his angelic hyung.

"jongho I need to tell you something" Yeosang started wavering on every word. Said male just nodded in return.

"what is it hyung?" jongho asked putting his phone away and giving his full attention to Yeosang.

"I want to tell you something that I've kept secret for a while." Yeosang explained and jongho simply nodded.

"I'm gay" Yeosang squeaked out and jongho smiled.

"that's not so bad, why did you hide it hyung." jongho asked.

"wait your not mad?" Yeosang said startled obviously he knew the youngest accepted Woosan but he thought it was just for those two.

"no why would I be? I mean everyone in this group is dating each other except me, yunho and mingi, Wooyoung and San and seonghwa and hongjoong." jongho said now confused.

Yeosang shook his head before explaining why he thought that.

"I thought it would be different since I'm your roommate. And I thought you would only accept Woosan and since when have they been in relationships?" Yeosang asked.

"well you know Woosan, yunho and mingi have been dating since they were in school together, and seonghwa mad hongjoong have been dating for two months now I think." jongho said and Yeosang nodded startled.

"so I didn't need to be scared?" Yeosang asked and jongho nodded with a smile. Yeosang sighed with relief before grabbing jonghos hand and tugging him downstairs

"I'm gonna tell the others can you stay with me?" Yeosang asked and jongho just smiled and nodded. So they both entered into the living room we're everyone was surprisingly awake and Yeosang stood in front of them.

"hey I'm wanting to get this off my chest and hope you don't hate me afterwards" Yeosang started and the group quickly announced their dissaproval.

"we could never hate you Yeosang" seonghwa said and so Yeosang took a deep breath and announced who he was.

"I'm gay" he said and the others cheered and expressed their happiness.

However that was only half of the truth, sure Yeosang is gay and he's come to terms with that but he also loves girls clothes, he never wanted people to know about that so he never wore them since he started training.

He knew that was for certain not normal, he always wanted to be a girl but also loved his deep voice and body figure to give it up so he decided to just wear female clothes and he came to love it so he would buy outfits  and wear them around the house whe he lived with his parents despite the backlash he got from his grandparents. He definitely thought that wouldn't be accepted.

He still brought the clothes hoping to ever wear them but now they are stuffed at the back of his cupboard hoping no one would look that far back.

Oh boy how wrong he was.

After they returned home Yeosang went to sleep straight away not knowing a curious maknae was in the shower. The male had ran out of shirts since they didn't have laundry day so he opted to use one of Yeosangs oversized shirts a bit would fit him. He knew his hyung wouldn't mind so he didn't hesitate to leave the shower and reach into the closet searching for a t-shirt to sleep in. However as he reached farther into it in the dim lighting his hand brushed up against a square object, so the curious maknae pulled said thing out after moving dome clothes only to find a box that had an unreadable letter on as the ink had faded.

Not thinking it was anything bad he opened the lid only to see a white skirt and a pink crop top.

(these are my own clothes that I rarely wear because I'm self conscious of my legs, also first time using my own clothes in a fanfic so please hate on it if you want I know I have awful fashion sense)

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(these are my own clothes that I rarely wear because I'm self conscious of my legs, also first time using my own clothes in a fanfic so please hate on it if you want I know I have awful fashion sense)

He thought the outfit was cute and didn't really question why the male had it assuming he just had it as a present but what he doesn't understand was why it was shoved into the corner at the back and why it was there in the first place.

Jongho continued to look through it seeing different outfits consisting of skirts, crop tops, hoodies all sizes and high waisted ripped jeans. He removed the last piece of clothing coming across some not so innocent things and blushing majorly, as he was dazed Yeosang woke up and saw jongho and his outfits before he panicked and rushed to put them back, place the lid on before shoving it back into the cupboard.

His face was as white as a sheet of paper and his breathing was irradict, he just stared at jongho with a terrified expression on his face.

Jongho was confused and decided to speak up.

"hyung why do you have girls clothes are they for your sister?" jongho asked as he wasn't sure if the older male had any siblings.

Yeosang got his reathing under control and glared.
"that's none of your business" he said in a harsh tone jongho flinched and became sad he didn't mean to make his hyung angry.

"go to bed" was the last thing Yeosang said to the male before he fell back asleep making a mental note to move the box somewhere else.

Jongho stayed rooted to his spot on the floor and after a few minutes snapped out of his daze and put on the first shirt he grabbed relieved that it fit and went to bed.

Why was his hyung so mad at him? Did he do something wrong?

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