Chapter 20

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As soon as the boys arrived at the airport they yelled happily.
Fans waved at them but did not approach only giving a comforting smile on their faces. They were some of the supporters.

They sighed in relief as the fans left them alone and headed to their hotel.
As they went Into their rooms they all gathered together and watched fan videos, this was going to be a regular occurance for them as they enjoyed it a little too much.

(sorry for all these woerd chapters I promise things will happen but I'm not 100% sure how they be written out so most of these chapters are fillers please be patient)

The first thing to look at was ship videos.

(if I've used these vids before please skip I've lost count of the ones I've used so let me apologise)

"this is cute" everyone says simultaneously except Jong sang who blushed red.

"oooh sans the killer this time?" seonghwa mentioned and the rest nodded and grinned.

"why is our relationship always the possessive one?" Wooyoung pouted.

"I don't know but let's watch another one" Yeosang said and everyone agreed.

"adorable" Yeosang says and everyone laughed be cause he said it sarcastically.

Hongjoong simply shrugged and seonghwa blushed.

They moved on to the next one.

"why is your relationship so fun?" san whined and yunho and mingi just laughed

"are there any other videos?" seonghwa asked and searched through YouTube skipping any other ships that aren't for their relationships.

"this is their jealously, sorry we didn't know it would affect you guys that much." Yeosang apologised ad mingi smiled bitterly and nodded his head yunho stayed silent, having seen that mingis clip was longer he started to stress over being a good boyfriend.

Thoughts continued to run through his mind but kept quiet hell sort it out later.

This made a damper on the mode once more but they wanted to finish the 'series' so that they can all correct everything.

Everyone was silent for the rest of the clips.

"there doesn't seem to be one for Woosan so I'll find another jealousy vid for that" seonghwa said and the other nodded

After they watched them they sighed and before continuing they spoke about everything and what they should do so no one gets jealous.

They decided on hand signals when they are performing fan service and agreed on the meaning and the amount just subtle so the fans don't catch on.

This was going to be a long healing process for all of them.
They decided to eat before continuing and so ordered room service as it was pretty late at night.

Once the food was finished they reloaded YouTube and watched more videos.

Once they watched these videos everyone went to their rooms to clam down and sort thing s out as well as to sleep.

Jongsang were sat in a bed as they decided to share and just held each other.

"maybe we should tell them?" Yeosang muttered
"tell them what?" jongho asked softly.
"about my cross dressing, I know I wanted to keep it a secret but today's videos made me think its not worth hiding if my friends aren't going to trust me. So telling them is my best option" Yeosang explained and jongho sighed.

"alright well tell them tomorrow and maybe seonghwa can tell as well" he said.

"you knew of seonghwa?" Yeosang asked and jongho grinned.

"I didn't buy you those clothes and you only ever go shopping with me or him" jongho said pointing to the lingerie causing Yeosang to blush.

"tomorrow then? " Yeosang asked with a soft smile snuggling his head into jonghos neck

"tomorrow" jongho smiled and they both fell asleep.

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