Chapter 18

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Weeks passed and everything returned to normal, there was no threat and so the boys continued with their work. They doubled up on schedules to make up the missing time from the kidnapping and focused on getting back on track.

Jongho no longer let Yeosang out of his sight and it became a rule that no one was to be out by themselves or alone in the Dorm for safety messures.

Because of this grinding the boys produced a new song called promise. It was a hit.

It was more for Yeosang and others who had been in a similar situation to him hence the name promise (not really). Once they finished everything for it they returned to their dorms for a day off were they let of a long line of stress.

Jongho and Yeosang continued to watch fan videos and enjoyed every single one and every now and then the group would react to them to show they like what the fans do.

However nothing prepared them for the scandal that is to come.

There was a month of silence meaning there wasn't anything that affecting however had they known what someone planned they would have been more careful.

One night in their dorms they were having a break to release stress, and when they went for a meal a crazy fan placed cameras in every room thinking it would be harmless, but how wrong she was.

So not aware of what's happening ateez returned to the Dorm and did their normal routines not knowing they were being recorded live.

The sounds were silent from the screen so they had no reason to be suspicious.

The first to fall victim was Yungi, they wanted to have some fun and so they did in their room. Again not aware of the camera, so the ones on the live saw everything but thank fully thejr bodies were blackened out from the waist down so they weren't exposed.

However the fans heard it and became shocked, some were outraged while others supportive.

The live showed 6 rooms the Dorm bedrooms and the living room so they could see everything at once.

Next to fall victim was woosan, they were teasing one another but not going further tha a make out session.
Again fans were confused and outraged at the one who started this live, but no one left wanting to see everything so they can help the group through the backlash and spread the truth.

The third victims were seongjoong who were also having fun.

The finally jongsang who were thankfully simply having a photo shoot but more sensual with Yeosang decked out in lingerie and teasing jongho until he finally caved.

The fans were shocked at Yeosangs atire and wanted answers but they'll wait until its safe to ask.

Finally everyone went to sleep and the same crazy fan entering the dorms to retrieve the cameras stupidly showing her face. Which caused a chain reaction of screenshots to get this girl arrested.

The crazy fan switched of th e live and took the cameras before going home, all with a disgusted image on her mind. She wasn't expecting that and she was revolted by it.

The next day came and the videos were spread like wildfire.
Everyone had gotten the videos as the crazy fan had uploaded them.

The backlash was harsh and horrifying. Threat messages were sent to the members from saesangs and other crazy people.

The boys broke down almost instantly when they got a call from their ceo.
So the went to the office thinking they were in trouble.

Once they arrived they gulped and were unusually quiet.
"come in you lot" the ceo said.
The boys bowed before entering.
The ceo cleared his throat, they were expecting a moth full but were shocked with what they received.

"while this issue is around I want you all to stop the affections incase something like this happens again. However I am not telling you guys to break up both as a group and as a rationship, I support you guys, however I want you to take a break to heal yourself from all the backlash you are getting I can tell it's affecting you more than it was intending to. We have already made a statement about this issue and fans from all over the world had given us information on the girl who did it, turns out the girl wasn't as smart as she locked and stupidly showed her face at the end of the live. Here is her picture"the ceo said and mingi gasped, causing all attention to turn to him.

"you know her?" the ceo asked and mingi nodded.

"not personally, but I have seen her at every fanmeet, concert fan sign and every airport, I thought it was just a coincidence but I started getting suspicious when I always saw her on out planes and driving behind our vans, I didn't point it out because I wasn't sure" he explained and the others eyes widened.  As fid the ceos.

"get me the police" he said to one of the guards who nodded and rushed out.

" she will be on the blacklist and all her media's will be provoked and ecetera. Please be cautious until she is caught, you may leave and go on holiday unannounced so she does not follow you." the ceo said and the boys nodded.

Finally they left and returned to their Dorm to pack for their unexpected trip. During this they cannot make contact with their fans just incase.

A day later they were on the plane heading to Australia. Enjoying fun in the sun.

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