Chapter 15

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A new day arose and the members were still asleep, of course because they stayed up late for the movies and honestly they sorta regret it now.

The only thing on their schedule is to do a vlive so they were getting ready for it.
Slowly everyone was being woken up and washing up.

They didn't have a plan for the live so they were gonna ask the fans what they wanted to do.

Once they started the live likes and comments flooded in.

"hey atiny, today we want to do something you ask, we will pic the most interesting. So please don't be mad if we don't pic yours." hongjoong started and the members nodded.

They were reading the comment until they choose a fans Requests.
The comment was: 'can you react to some fan made videos.' so they did with recommendations from the fans.

It started off innocent until someone requested a reaction to ship videos, not thinking much of it and honestly not complaining they choose to react to the most popular ships as of yet.

"ah I love the song and the aesthetic. Its great" yunho said grinning, internally squealing. Mingi grinned as well eyeing yunho in the corner of his eyes.

"OK next one" seonghwa said smiling.

"I love how the music fits with the videos" Yeosang said and the rest nodded.

"why am I the killer though?" Wooyoung was surprisingly quiet when he said this causing everyone to be shocked.

"Wooyoung ie you OK?" san asked and Wooyoung simply grinned and nodded. He was to busy thinking on this video. 'would he?' wooyoung thought before refocusing on the next video playing.

"that was short but effective" yunho said smirking, seonghwa was blushing and hongjoong was slowly inching away from the group.

The comments went crazy at their reaction but they couldn't help it, it was just so sensual that it made them embarrassed.

"hopefully the next ones more 'innocent'" jongho said grinning.

"this one was good because it focused more on the dancing I guess" hongjoong said and the rest nodded.

"now let's react to some solo videos" seonghwa said noticing the solo ones in the recommended bar.

The other nodded and the fans agreed so they started.

"this suits Yeosang almost perfectly" san said grinning causing Yeosang to shift awkwardly. He didn't want to show a reaction to the song but he knew he liked it.

The first bit made the members jump and they were ultimately awestruck, it was so well put together and they were fascinated.

"how did they get this so well kept?" Wooyoung said finally speaking up

The comments started flowing through once again the members having forgotten momentarily that they were live and shook out of their stupor.

"anyway next ones" hongjoong said.

"this was short but powerful seonghwa hyung teach me your tricks" san said and seonghwa just laughed.

They didn't react much to this one but still liked the fact it was well put together.

"it's a softer song for you san" Wooyoung pointed out and San nodded and grinned "because I'm baby according to the comments" everyone laughed and returned to the screen.

"the song suits you mingi" yunho said and mingi just nodded with a grin.

"yunho it's a powerful song for you" mingi said and yunho grinned with a small unnoticeable blush.

"yeah it suits you because your like a whole other person when dancing" Yeosang said and yunho grinned at the praise


After the last video the grouo grinned and thanked the fans before turning of the vlive and any cameras in the studio, once they knew it was safe they collapsed and latched onto their lovers.

"I can't believe people see things that way we'll have to be more careful from now on" hongjoong said and the rest nodded.

Yeosang sighed and cuddled up to Jongho before everyone dispersed to spend some time together if you get me.

Thanmfully the walls are thick so it can't be heard but people will be too preoccupied with themselves to ear anything.

Jongho and Yeosang went upstairs to spend time together before jongho lost all control and the two had a fun night.

The next morning everyone was sore and exhausted, maybe watching those videos wasn't the best idea they had because it made their pent up frustration worse.

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