Chapter 21

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(do yall want this book to continue or nah cause this is getting long)

Yeosang and jongho woke up the next day and took a deep breath before getting ready for the day, today they were going to the beach.

But first he had to tell them about his secret hoping they'll accept it.

So as soon as they were ready they went into seongjoong room we're everyone was gathered for a meeting before interrupting hongjoong explanation of what they'll be doing today and first excusing himself before talking.

"I just want to tell you guys a secret I have only a few know but I still hope you can accept this as much as the relationships are accepted." Yeosang paused getting thgeir attention before he continued.

"I'm a cross dresser and hope you don't hate me." Yeosang said closing his eyes instinctively,

It was silent for a few minutes before everyone cheered.

"but hyung what's cross dressing?" yunho asked as innocently as he looks causing everyone's hearts to burst uwus.

"I like wearing girls clothes more than males I also like to wear the underwear more than boys, basically there's different types, I dress up because I always wanted to be a girl because ei found guys attractive and was told that was wrong, but then I became attached to the pros of having a male body and being gay so I didn't become trans gender but at some point I adopted girls clothes to make me feel better by myself." Yeosang explained. Before seonghwa jumped in.

" I also cross dress because I like cute things and it's a benefit for mine and hongjoong relationship" seonghwa said and the others nodded.

"so are we basically just telling secrets you don't know or we are a shamed of?" Wooyoung asked cheekily and everyone shrugged.

"I don't see why not it'll also help us understand each other more." san said grinning before every one groaned.

"OK I'll start" Wooyoung said raising his hand.

(I'm sorry readers from this point on theres a warning for kinks and secrets)

"I like to be choked in bed" Wooyoung said fastly catching everyone off guard, san smirked and faced him.

"why didn't you say so woowoo?" he spoke and Wooyoung blushed.
"I wanted you to find out yourself but that never happened" Wooyoung pouted.

"well now that I know I'll make sure to use it more in my favour." San said before winking and turning to the rest who had a disgusted face but not in a bad way.

"please keep that to the bedroom san" hongjoong said the others nodding along causing Woosan to laugh and blush.

"ill go next" yunho said.

"I have a degrading kink and I love being harmed but not enough to leave scars" yunho said blushing.

"so every time we smack you as a joke you actually like it?" mingi said and he nodded ashamed.

"I was ashamed because I shouldn't but my body doest listen to my brain" yunho explained and everyone nodded.

"I like being tied up" seonghwa blurted up before blushing heavily hongjoong grinned and smirked evilly but didn't say anything seonghwa knew what hongjoong was thinking.

"I have a daddy kink" mingi announced

"of course you do we here it every time you and yunho fuck" san said rolling his eyes. Causing the two entioned to chuckle and blush.

"I like to badmouth others in bed for example slut, whore, slag etc." san said as if it was normal.

"finally jongho and hongjoong need to go before we move on." Yeosang said and the others nodded.

"I also have a daddy kink" jongho said and the members nodded.

"I fall into the sadist category along with san" hongjoong said and the rest of ateez nodded once again.

"now that that's over let's go to the beach. When we return we can play games" hongjoong said and every one cheered and ran out the hotel heading to their rented car.

Once they arrived at the beach they played in the sand, in the water and chased each other around for a water fight.

Thankfully everything is back to normal the only thing missing was their longing to return to their fans.

(I ran out of kink ideas because I'm not knowledgeable in that department so forgive me if what i said isn't classed as one.)

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