Chapter 12

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So as they were walking Olivia explained the details.

"so basically you two will model for my brand when your free, you'll get paid as much as the photo shoot is worth, if it runs on longer than necessary you will be paid extra, I will be the one to personally give you the money, I'll aslo be doing your outfits and my trusty friend will be doing hair and makeup, only if you don't want to show your faces, then she will simply add safe makeup onto your body that is shown. " she explained pausing so the joys could give her a nod.

" further more we will be giving you stage names so no one knows its actually you and you can quit the shoots anytime you want as we already have a lot of models but I wanted specifically males that love to cross dress." Olivia finished.

The two males nodded in understanding before agreeing.
" also you'll be able to keep any of the outfits you like " Olivia added making the bits smile.

They were going to need a bigger closet.

After they went shopping they bought a few more outfits before returning to their hotel having. They continued to text Olivia and tell the others that they were getting a new stylist the others didn't question and nodded.

Yeosang and seonghwa went to their room and placed th e outfits into their suitcases, they were going to use them when the get back to their dorms in a couple days when they have a day to settle back in.

After they hid everything and got rid of the packaging they went back downstairs to see food having been brought thanks to jongho and mingi. Sot hey cooed and ate happily conversing about the fun they had today.

Time passed and the boys were returning to their dorms tired but also happy they had been told that they had a photo shoot to do for Nike and they were happy.

But that wast until tomorrow they still had to settle in and that's when Yeosang and seonghwa put their outfits to the test.

Yeosang wasn't expecting jongho to react but he still wanted to get his approval so he waited.

Hongjoong and seonghwa got down and dirty pretty fast and they loved every second of it. Hongjoong made damn sure seonghwa dressed like this more. So after their fun seonghwa told him about the private photos hoots him and Yeosang have not realising he just outed Yeosang.

Which hongjoong caught on quickly to.
"wait Yeosang also cross dresses?"
"shit! I promised I wouldn't tell but I can avoid it now, yes he does and only jongho knows he feels ashamed but seems to enjoy the fact that jongho praises him and helps build his confidence." seonghwa explained and hongjoong sighed before nodded.

"alright, well apologise tomorrow and I won't tell anyone the others most likely wouldn't understand." hongjoong said but still wwas unsure if he was correct.

Back to Yeosang he was still sat there waiting for jongho who showed at the door a minute later with a snack bar in his hand and once he saw Yeosang his jaw dropped and dropped every thing in his hands.

He swollowed and edge forward towards Yeosang who blushed.

"fuck that's hot" jongho whispered huskiky he didn't care about whatever he was feeling he knew he wanted the male then and there and so he stood right infront of the blushing cross dresser and kicked his lips.

"Yeosang what is the meaning of this?" he asked lusfully. Yeosang gulped and faced him.

"I wanted to try it and my friend said it suited me I wanted your approval even though we aren't dating or anything." Yeosang rambled, jongho took a deep breath in and calmed down from his lust.

"its beautiful but if you don't put on some clothes I'm going to do things to you you might not like." jongho explained and Yeosang became confident, he crawled the rest of the way to jongho and smirked into his ear.

"try me" and that was the only phrase that made jongho snap, he shut the door and locked it before pushing the submissive onto the bed flat delved deeper into his being.

They did many things that night and they did regret it one bit.

Once they woke up Yeosang smiled and kissed jonghos lips.
"I don't know if you like me but I love you" he said shyly and jongho smiled.
"I'm not 100% sure but I know for certain I'm willing to try." jongho said and Yeosang grinned kissing hi once again.

(take into account he still doesn't know his Sexuality yet despite telling you what I planned for him)

"well the. Jongho will you be willing to be my boyfriend.?" Yeosang said with a smikr causing jongho to burst into laughter, him following shortly after.

"of course I would yeoyeo" jongho said kissing the males forehead.

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