Chapter 6

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The next morning Yeosang was still mad at jongho and jongho couldn't take it anymore so he went to seonghwa hyung to ask about what happened.

"hyung can I talk to you?" jongho said to seonghwa who nodded and let him into the room.

"what is it jongho?" seonghwa asked.

"Yeosang hyung is mad at me and I don't know what I did" jongho explained and seonghwa sighed.

"have you tried to talk to him?" seonghwa pointed out and jongho nodded his head.

"yeah I have but he won't even look at me, what I do?" jongho asked almost bursting into tears.

Seonghwa cooed and brought the maknae into his arms patting his back to calm him down.

"well give it time, he should come around but first find out what you did to make him mad think back to before he cut you out, it'll help." seonghwa advised and jongho sniffed before nodding and thanking his hyung before leaving and doind as told.

He thought back to last night about what he found and finally realised what happened.

He shouldn't have opened that box and snooped in it.

Smiling to himself he tried to find a way to apologise. So he turned to the Internet and searched up what he thought was the best way.

However as soon as he typed in 'my hyung got mad after I saw girls clothes in his closet' results threw in and he got curious he tapped on one of the sites and read what it said.

'man and clothes.' the title was cliche but he continued reading.
'a young male can have an interest in girls clothes usually when they have a girlfriend to buy for, however, another case is that the male himself likes girls clothes and loves to dress up, it is very hard to find said person as they can hide it well if they feel ashamed or have been forced to feel that way, but easy ideals are that the male loves makeup more than a regular male or is classified as gay, said male is referred to as a cross dresser. '

He tried to wrap his head around the term' crossdresser' from the way the article explained it. He stopped reading from that phrase and continued to dwell on it.

'is hyung a cross dresser and feels ashamed of it, but it doesn't seem like a bad thing' jongho thought to himself

He wanted the answers but knew he had to wait to receive them as Yeosang was no longer talking to him as of yet.

So he decided to research more on this subject and found tons of articles, opinions and a few Instagram accounts based on this so he digd the next best thing and followed th em using a private fan account that he created years ago for another group that has disbanded and so he deleted the posts and changed the name, using it as a personal, without showing his face as back then he was self conscious and had been told to not posts selcas without permission.

After another hour of thorough searching he was called down to lunch and that was tense and awkward. Seems the group found out about the quarrel between Yeosang and jongho.

After the tense dinner the group separated and did their own things.
Jongho sat on the couch on his phone looking through the accounts he followed previously. He learned how the people feeled and decided he was a full supporter for anyone who wanted to cross dress and he can't deny the outfits are cute as well as adorable and can be sexy.

He imagined his hyung in an outfit and blushed hard. He couldn't help himself and wasn't ashamed.

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He continued to imagine different outfits on his hyung that he had seen girls wear when they were training in America

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He continued to imagine different outfits on his hyung that he had seen girls wear when they were training in America. He thought his hyung would look nice in them so when he gets on good terms with him again he was going to spoil the male with the outfits.

He couldn't wait. He knew he shouldn't think of his hyung like this as he wasn't to sure what his feelings where or why his chest hurt when he was around the older male. But he wanted to prove to his hyung he accepts him no matter what.

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