Chapter 13

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Today was their photo shoot for Nike and the boys were well tested well besides two but that's understandable.

Everyone got up and showered before getting changed and heading downstairs for breakfast, all they were having today was cereal since they needed to have a light breakfast as to look their best for this shoot.

So everyone crowded around the table and ate conversing about today and things in general.

Once they were done dishes were washed and they were on the cars.
They had three managers with them today and so that allowed them to be slightly less nervous.

However once Yeosang and seonghwa stepped out of the car when they arrived seeing a grinning Olivia they ran up to her and hugged her and squealed.

"you look good guys" Olivia winked having noticed their slight limping causing them to blush but smile anyway.

"Now let's go get you boys dolled up for this photoshoot" she announced to the rest of the group. Who returned with a yes.

So they all got into their dressing room and the stylists and makeup artists did their magic with the directiom of Olivia of course.

(does this count as being self centered or not because I am not the way I've made myself in this book)

Once they were ready they started the shoot and it went amazingly, all that needed to happen was choose which phtots to upload for the website.

"hmm these look the best for the group photos so choose between those and for the single photos I think these are best" Olivia said to the director of the shoot as well as the photographer.

The photographer nodded as she emailed the phtots to the company before they would be released.

The boys returned home tired as they had to pose for quite a few shoots.
However seonghwa and Yeosang were not finished and taken to another room to freshen up and relax before they were briefed on their next personal phtotshoot.

Once it was time Olivia and her crew walked through and briefed them making sure they are happy with what they had to do. Olivia taught them a trick on how to get temporary 'breasts' with their permission of course knowing there won't be any hassle as these two like guys.

So she gently massaged their chest to swell them up, the boys having no issue other than some minor discomfort, but we're happy in the end.

(this most definatly does not work irl I got it from an anime/ comic that I've forgotten the name of)

Once they agreed and gave a little input that Olivia took to heart they got ready and were being brushed up.

They started with simple outfits before going onto exotic and erotuc clothing.

After an hour the boys were done and were brought in to chose their favourite pics to put on the inst page for Olivias store.

Once they chose they witnessed the upload and smiled.

@ exoticfashionry
Was the name of the account so the boys followed that on Yeosangs crossdressing one which they now share.

@ exoticfashionry posted a new photo

New clothing style for cross dressers and beauties

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New clothing style for cross dressers and beauties. Please thank our new models who are crossdressers. Please respect that they don't want to show their faces, meet floral and bloom.

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(Yeosang is floral, seonghwa is bloom, Yeosang wearing the blueish gold underwear and seonghwa wearing the black pearled underwear)

The boys were dropped of home and were told that the temporary breasts will leave over night as long as they don't touch them or rub them etc.

They went to their Dorm thankfully their baggy tshirts hid their temporary state and joined the others on lounging around. Obviously hongjoong was aware prior to the shooting about the attachments by Olivia.

The boys sat down to eat their food that the company kindly ordered for them as congratulations on their shoot. They chattered and talked about everything seonghwa and Yeosang messaging each other on their phones about thinking of embracing who they were and giving small hints for the younger members to find out, so Yeosang agreed he was happy to have someone with him to help so he decided to wear his lingerie while seonghwa was going for a better approach of wearing soft colours and girly like tshirts.

He knew the fans wouldn't complain and neither would they.

(you know what I've sinned enough so readers please forgive me wholeheartedly and I will give you more content like this if you want comment yes for more like this and no for a more innocent approach for future chapters)

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