Crazy Bastard

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CUT! The director exclaimed after Yejin has finished her scene. Filming The Negotiation wasn't physically taxing for the seasoned actress. Easy peasy, as she said before. Almost all scenes will be shot from a studio, and travelling around the country for locations wasn't needed, so Yejin got a lot more time enjoying their "easy" shoots.

But today's different. After wrapping off the previous scene, the director gave Yejin and Bin a pep talk for the next. "Ah, the scene where Captain Jung was killed by Min Tae Gu," she remembered reading from her script and said to herself, "Today is gonna be a long day".

Bin stood tall beside her, listening intently to their director giving instructions.

Yejin and Bin formally met months ago during the script reading of the movie. They met briefly throughout the years at different occasions, but those were just mere polite exchanges of pleasantries between the two. Contrary to his public image of a very serious and stern CEO of his own entertainment agency, Bin is really funny once you get to know him. They exchanged numbers after several team dinners and have been texting each other every now and then. Yejin sees it as an effort from Bin to get comfortable with her, consequently making their working relationship light and comfortable, but its hard to think like that if she sees herself smiling everytime after receiving a single text from Bin.

"3..2..1.. ACTION!"

"I said complete honesty.."

"Min Tae Gu-ssi..." Yejin saw Bin walking towards the actor who played Captain Jung, and shot the officer in the head point blank. Although she knew this would happen as it is written on the script, she was still startled by the sound effect of the gun... and even if she does not admit it, by the effectiveness (and charisma) of a villain Bin.

As if on cue, tears started rolling down Yejin's face. Her eyes screaming terror and pain, she uttered "..crazy..bastard... ccra-zy bastard! (mi chin sssiiikya)", Saying the words as if its the last she'll be able to say. Yejin poured her heart out for the scene, just as she does for every scene she's in. According to the script, the scene is supposed to be over, but she sees Bin in the screen monitor looking directly at her, with expression she cannot fathom. "Are you swearing at me?", he said.

CUT! The director exclaimed. Yejin immediately wiped hear tears off and asks, "how was it, Director?" Before he can even react, Bin entered the room catching his breath from running. "Whoah Yejin-ssi, that was really great. You're really great! I didn't event know how to react!", then Bin proceeded to imitate Yejin as she said "mi-chin sekyaaa". Yejin let out a loud chuckle, obviously laughing with Bin's impersonation of her.

Acting on the opposite sides of their screens, whenever the director would cut the scenes or take a break, Bin would tease Yejin by mimicking her voice, uttering "mi chin sssiiikya" over and over again.

Yejin laughs at each attempt, but eventually asks Bin if the acting is awkward or even bad, "I cant seem to read the reaction of your face when we shot the scene earlier!"

Bin just gave him a sweet smile, "It was awe, Yejin-ssi."


They finished two more scenes before they wrap-up today's shoot. Next shooting is scheduled 2 days from now. Finally, Yejin can have some time for herself. Yejin went to her dressing room to change clothes and hydrate. Gripping her bottle of water ready to drink, she heard knocks in her door.

The door showed a freshly showered Bin, with a bottled water in his hand. "Hi," Bin said, smiling shyly. He was about to offer the bottled water to Yejin when he sees she already has one. Looking defeated, Bin scratches the back of his head in embarassment.

Yejin joked to lighten up the mood, uttering the object of their laughter throughout the day, "crazy bastard", Bin and Yejin laughed.

Looking more comfortable, Bin started, "Sorry, i just really went here. I grabbed the first thing i can offer. Shouldve brought coffee," Bin shyly smiled while touching the back of his ears, a mannerism Bin does when he gets flustered or shy.

"Speaking of, would you like to have coffee with me..?", Bin asked with a smile new to Yejin.

Seeing him with that smile, looking all cute with a bottled water in his hand, how could she even refuse..?

She snatched the water bottle from his hand, took a gulp from it and said, "Of course, crazy bastard. Let's get some coffee."

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