Ch. 4 - Friends

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Logan's p.o.v.

After Virgil and Patton came to the store together yesterday, I must confess I had my hopes up that Patton would come again today. When I woke up this morning, I wore my favorite blue tie that had light blue clouds on it. It was a bit more childish than my usual taste, but it reminded me of simpler times. When I was loved by my parents. 

When they didn't kick me out and disown me. 

I shook my head, forcing those painful recollections out of my mind and focused on getting ready. I tied my shoes as my sister, Lydia, walked into my room with her robe and a cup of coffee. Her hair was askew in all directions. She definitely just woke up. 

"Oooh, nice tie. Who's the lucky guy?"

I didn't look up from double-knotting my shoes, but I couldn't help but blush a bit. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just going to work for the day."

"You can fool the rest of the world, but not me, little bro. Now who is he?"

I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep anything from her. "I'm barely even acquainted with him. I met him two days while I was on my shift."

"So you're wearing your favorite tie for a stranger? That's hot."


She cackled. "Whaat? I need grandkids!"

"First of all, they'd be your niece and or nephew. Second of all, you do realize that two men can't--"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! But seriously, though. You need a boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes as I swung my coat on and grabbed my wallet off the desk, putting it in my pocket. "I don't need a boyfriend. Who needs a boyfriend when I have a more than exceptional sister?" I said, trying to get her to stop talking by praising her. 

"Thank you, but I won't be around forever, ya know. Besides I know you're just trying to get me to shut up. If this guy really meant nothing to ya, you wouldn't be wearing that tie."

"Fine, whatever. You win this round, Lydia. Now I've got to go before I'm late for work."

"Your shift doesn't even start yet--"

"Goodbye!" I hugged her quickly and quickly ran down the stairs and out the door to my car. I climbed in and drove a little too eagerly to the grocery store. 

As soon as I unlocked the door to the store, I eagerly ran back to my check out isle, staring out the window. I saw Virgil's usual car pull up into the parking lot. I quickly looked away and began pretending to sort the money in the register. I heard the door open and listened for his voice. 

Nothing. All I heard were the same shuffling feet I usually hear at this time. I slumped as I realized that it was just Virgil. I sighed, closing the register and waiting patiently for the dark figure to appear in front of me. After a few minutes the figure appeared in my isle. 

I looked up at him to give him a friendly smile, but I was surprised to see he was actually smiling back at me. Well, technically he was smirking, but with him you take what you can get. I gave him a confused smile and began scanning his ramen, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and hand soap. 

"That's a pretty cool tie." He said, trying to start up a conversation. 

"Thank you. My sister purchased it for me when I got accepted to my dream college." 

"Cool, cool."

I continued scanning his ramen, though he bought less than usual today. 

"So...I need advice."

Tissues - Logicality AUWhere stories live. Discover now