Ch. 12 - Ally

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Logan's p.o.v.

I'm quite used to waking up to the sound of my alarm clock. It's simple, it's not too loud, I specifically selected a sound effect that I enjoy. I find that the little things like my routine alarm are what make a good start to my day. 

So when my sister blows an air horn in my ear at 6:30 in the morning, I'm a little..unsettled, to say the least. 

"Lydia, what in science's name are you doing??!" I yell at her, irritated that she interrupted my dream. 

"It's Saturday, ya nerd. You know what that means!" She said excitedly as she ran off back to her room to get dressed. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. Sibling bonding day. Though having a fun, eventful day with Lydia is an opportunity I'd never pass up, I don't see the point of starting the day at 6:30. Especially due to the fact that it's the weekend and I'd much rather prefer to get an extra hour or two of sleep. 

I put on my glasses and climbed out of bed. I made my way down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen, where Lydia already had breakfast prepared. She was already fully dressed and smiled at me as I entered the room. 

"Sooo, today I thought we'd go somewhere where you can nerd out."

"'Nerd out?' Really?" I said, rolling my eyes as I sipped my tea that she had kindly prepared just the way I like it; nothing except for a small spoonful of honey. 

"Listen, brother. I love you. Truly, I do. Buuuut you're kind of a nerd. Like, a really big nerd."

"FALSEHOOD!" I yelled. She just shook her head, not at all fazed by my outburst. 

"You can 'falsehood' me all you want but we both know the truth."

"You have no proof."

"Hm. Let's see. You're a huge star wars fanatic, you watch Doctor Who, one of the most popular British sci-fi tv shows, you never shut up about space, you're always the first one to inform me on any current events or breakthroughs in science. Shall I continue?"

I exhale sharply, knowing I had been beaten, though I didn't quite want to admit it. She took my silence as an answer. 

"Ok, so now that we got that cleared up, eat breakfast real fast and get dressed. It's a bit of a drive to where we're going." 

"Very well." I complied, as we both went silent as we ate. Once I finished my tea and eggs, I put the dishes into the dishwasher and went back upstairs to change. 

"Wear something nice!" She called from downstairs. 

I opened my closet and looked at the shirts I could choose from. Since it was the weekend and I didn't have quite as much of a reputation to uphold, I decided to wear a simple black sweater and jeans. Though I like to keep things formal, I'm always more content when I am in comfy clothing. I put on my socks and grabbed my only pair of non-formal shoes Lydia had gotten me for my birthday last year. 

I slipped my navy blue vans on and went into the bathroom. I combed, gelled, and styled my hair into my usual look, then brushed my teeth and flossed. My sister peeked her head into the crack of the door and looked at my outfit. 

"Wow, you actually look like a normal person."

I rolled my eyes and threw the hand towel at her. She just laughed and threw it back. We threw it back and forth for a bit until I realized how childish we were being and put the towel back on the rack. 

"So, care to tell me where we're going?" 

She was looking at her phone and texting someone with a "look" on her face. Now, when I say "look" I mean that she had a plan. It can honestly be terrifying when she has a plan. One time she decided she was going to "tp" the White House. Needless to say she almost got arrested when she "accidentally" managed to throw a roll of toilet paper at the president's face.

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