Ch. 21 - Speechless

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Patton's p.o.v.
**Disclaimer: self harm (I'm gonna cry T^T)

I looked up and saw Logan re-buttoning his sleeve. He didn't look happy. His brows were furrowed and once he finished fixing his sleeve, he crossed his arms and met my eyes. I've never seen him mad before, so this was kinda scary. 

"Explain to me immediately what it is you were doing." He said sternly. 

I looked down at my hands. I didn't know what to tell him. There was no excuse for invading his privacy. Yet..

"Why are you so afraid that I did?" I asked. He opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out and he just shut it again. Bernie rolled off the couch and walked away, the sound of his collar getting quieter the farther he got. 

"You're right, I got worked up over nothing. Let's just...drop the subject."

I shook my head. "It clearly wasn't nothing if you're this scared."

Logan didn't say anything. I scooted closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He's always been there for me even when I thought I didn't need anyone. Now it's time for me to do the same, whether he likes it or not. 

"Logan, you're not fine. You're one of my best friends, and I can tell when there's something bugging you."

"What makes you imply such a thing? I have been nothing short of adequate these past few weeks." He asked. 

"Then you should have no problem with letting me see your arm." I said bluntly. I felt bad for saying it, but he wasn't ok, and I couldn't let him just keep denying it. He instinctively put his hand over his wrist and shook his head. 

"It should not even concern you."

"It does."


"Because you're my friend and I lo--I care for you, Logan. A lot." I said simply and moved closer to him. I gently took his arm and undid the buttons again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him looking around frantically, like a deer in headlights. 

"Patton, you have so much else to deal with, I think my wellbeing is the last thing you should be concerned with at the moment." He said quickly, trying to stall. I looked up at him like he was insane. 

"Logan, as much as I adore you as my friend, you're a hypocrite." 

He looked down as I continued. 

"I tell you not to worry about me when I'm upset, and you tell me not to hide it and not to lie to you because all you want to do is be there for me. Am I right?"

He nodded. 

"So then why can't I do the same for you? You've been there for me for almost everything I've been dealing with this past month. You've opened my eyes to things I never even would've considered a month ago. So why can't I do the same? Why can't I be there for you?"

He said nothing for a while. I began to lift his sleeves and that's when he began speaking again. "Patton, like I said, you shouldn't concern yourself with me. I'm fine." 

"Don't lie, Logan..." I said. 

"But I'm not! I'm quite satisfactory, as I have been my entire life!" He began to raise his voice as he tried to get me to back out, but that wasn't going to happen. 

"Logan, please. You can't fool me. I can read you just as well as you probably can read me. I just want to know what's going on with you so I can help you through it. Is that ok?" 

He opened his mouth to say something, but immediately closed it again. He looked away from me and nodded slowly. I lifted up one of his sleeves to reveal what he had been hiding. 

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