Ch. 3.5 - Virgil

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Virgil's p.o.v.
(Tw: mk from now on anytime Virgil is here just expect swearing 👌)

I'm gonna be straight with you. I don't like meddling in other people's lives. I can barely manage my own life, let alone deal with someone else's. So 'cause of that I don't really have much friends. Your guess is as good as mine to why I care about Patton's well-being. Hell, how did he even become my friend in the first place?

Heh, I already know the answer. He's pushy. In a loving kinda way, though. When I first moved into the small dorm, he was already there with a plastic tupperware of cookies and balloons and streamers were hung up everywhere.

I tried to get my way out of talking to him. I rejected his cookies, I took down the decorations on my side. I thought me being an ass would push him away, but nope. Boy was I wrong. He simply kept on pestering me. Asking me things like, 

"So what's your major?"

"Ya wanna go find some lunch?"

"What's your favorite color?"

"Do you want to be friends?"

Even though I didn't respond to any of these at first, he kept on asking. Either he knew exactly what he was doing, or he is so naive that he doesn't know when to quit. Either way, I had to give him some credit. So I did hime a favor and took a cookie. Just to get him to stop asking questions. 

He, however, took it as a friendship contract. I'm happy he did, though. I can't see something good happen right in front of me, I need someone else to help me see it. Patton was that someone else for me. He was also..kinda my first friend. You'd think since I'm a grown man I'd have at least a few. 


So since Pat's my only friend, I take our friendship very..VERY seriously. I make sure he takes care of himself sometimes even when he forgets or doesn't want to. He, in turn, does the same for me. I think that's what friends normally do. I don't know, you'd have to tell me since I've got nothin' else to compare to. 

Anyhow, when Patton met Dan, it was an awful experience. I had to pick some stuff up from his house, and Patton wanted to tag along, just to see what my family would be like. I would've said hell no, but..he was driving that day so I couldn't stop him. I..might have also gotten my wisdom teeth removed that day, so I was pretty out of it. 

Anyway so Dan flirted with Patton, and soon after that, Pat told me they started dating. I simply gave my fatherly friend a worried expression. What was I supposed to do? I know I'm a clingy friend, and I didn't want to be too pushy. So I just told him to be careful and not lose sight of who he is, ya know?

I also had a...pleasant discussion with Dan about treating him right that...maaay have involved threatening. Don't judge me! Dan's a complete douche! He's always been. Sure enough, even after our discussion, I sometimes see glimpses of them together. Dan and Pat usually keep that stuff private, but occasionally I'll catch them. 

There was this one time that Pat and I were over at Dan's house. We were just talking, laughing. Ya know. It was actually a pretty good night, that night. Dan was being kind to both of us, which was rare cause he's always a dick to me. Anyway, I mentioned something about my favorite game at the time. I think it was Undertale? 

I'm getting off topic. The point is, me and Dan had a disagreement over it. Patton took my side of the argument. Now, since he's..well Pat, we all know he did it as kindly as possible. He's literally a walking teddy bear. I could tell Dan wasn't happy. 

Still, he just smiled..kinda devilishly..and put a hand on Patton's shoulder. He looked Patton dead in the eyes and just said "You don't mean that." 

And I swear to god, Patton had never looked more terrified in his life of another human being. He plastered a smile on his face and immediately changed to his side. See, Patton can be pretty convincing at lying sometimes. The trick to catching him, is looking at him. And I mean really looking at him. 

You can tell in his eyes what he's really feeling. In that moment, it was like his soul had left his body. Me and Dan kept talking, but Patton barely said anything from then on. He just smiled, laughed, nodded, and agreed. Like some kind of robot. Well, if the robot were trying to hold on to dear life for fear of being torn to shreds. 

After that day, I've never seen them together. I know they're relationship isn't all he cracks it up to be, but I don't know what to do. He's my only friend, and if I overstep he may ditch me forever. But..he's hurting. I can tell he is. I know you all think of me as a terrible friend. I know I should say something. 

But I can't lose Patton. 

Ya know? 

So today as I walked out of Pat's car and into the university, I knew what I had to do. Somehow, I had to get those two together without anyone knowing I'm involved. 


Yes there are simpler ways, but it's almost 1:00 am and the author ran out of ideas. 

Whatever, that's besides the point. Just...tell me what's goin on, Please. You can see what goes on behind the scenes with them. I can't..


Welp hope ya enjoyed that 

They probably didn't. 

Wow, rude. Anyways the half chapters like that will usually be in the perspective of others. Also if this sucks, I have no regrets. That's a problem for future me to cringe over. Cya! -Manzana

Also I didn't go through and edit this so if there's mistakes....oh darn. 

I am the mistake.

Why am I still writing for you. -_-


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