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He was always in that damn music shop.

Well, of course he would be, his family owned it, but he never seemed to leave.

His golden locks fell over his face every time he stacked the shelves, or got a guitar down for someone because he was ridiculously tall.

"He's going to catch you staring one day, you know? If not at school, he will here," Kyla said, nudging my arm, "and you've got ketchup down your top now,"


"I don't get why you like him anyway. His friends are loud and annoying,"

"Have you seen him?"

"You've liked him since before you were even born," she huffed, rolling her eyes, "there goes more ketchup,"

I wiped it with a napkin and sighed, finishing my hotdog. We sat outside in town- opposite the music shop- with our bags of shopping.

Summer was over.

We'd had to buy me a ton of new clothes because I had decided I wanted a glow up. Nature wouldn't run it's course, so I'd done a lot of running on its behalf.

Until the hotdog, but that was a one off... well no, but I deserved it.

"So, do you think he'll be in your classes?"


"Your sexy god over there,"

"Ew, don't call him that,"

"Isn't that what you called him on snapchat?"

"When I was 15," I scoffed.

"You're only 16 now,"

"Almost seventeen,"

"Still sixteen,"

Kyla threw her rubbish away and grabbed her bags, making me pull her arm so she sat.

"I'm watching,"

"We cannot sit and watch your sexy god,"

"Stop calling him that!"

"It's fine, he probably doesn't even know we go to school with him,"

"I think I need to look at music books,"

I grabbed my bags and pulled her across to the store, entering. A little bell rang and I looked down, finding the vinyls. I didn't have a record player for them, nor did I know many of the artists, but it was the closest to him.

"Can I help you?"

Kyla looked at me and I cleared my throat.

"No, thankyou ,"

"You, um, have ketchup on your cheek,"

I felt my cheeks burning red and quickly tried to wipe it off, Kyla sniggering.

"It's there,"

He pointed on my cheek and I wiped it off again, cowering into my jacket.


"Do I know you? You go to my school,"

"Oh, yeah,"

"Kennedy... no- Daisy- no... um. What's your name?"


"Ah, yes. Well, have a good day Millie, don't spill anymore ketchup,"

He smiled and I smiled back, staring at his ice blue eyes. They were so beautiful, and I could've stared into them all day... if Kyla hadn't dragged me out the shop again, and well away from it after that.

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