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School was average for a Thursday, and i stayed behind with Luke to watch football training. We ate a bag of crisps together and enjoyed watching Cal shout at Mike because he was allowed as the captain.

He walked me home after, making sure to say hello to my dad who was more than worried about me, before going home.

However, as soon as we'd both eaten, we were back on call.

"I am so glad I chose you to be my science partner,"


"I mean because I would not be passing right now without you,"

"Damn, I thought I was being adored then,"

"Boo hoo,"

We did our science homework and then Liz came up to nosey; we ended up talking together for a bit.

Facetiming with Luke was also great because we could simply be silent and do our own thing whilst enjoying the company. I got ready for bed early and stuck the tv on, lazily switching my focus between that and Luke. I caught his gazing at me with a smile once or twice, but I got embarrassed and stopped looking.

"Do you want to stay on all night?"

"I think I'm okay for today. Thankyou for calling,"

"Of course, goodnight,"


Friday was slow and steady, and full of work, despite everyone being exhausted. By the end of the day, all of us were dragging our heels, so I was grateful that Joy was giving me a lift home.

When I was home, I began to cook straight away, expecting dad to be home early; instead, I ate with Michael and his family on facetime. It was an experience, but better than being alone.

Finally, dad did return home, but I was already up in my room so he warmed it up and joined me.

"Sorry, I was calling our lawyer and didn't want to bother you. How was your day?"


"Did something upset you?"

"No, I'm just tired,"

"Make sure you get a good sleep Millie Moo, for tomorrow,"


"Don't be nervous,"

"Dad, that's not easy. Especially when I can see you are,"

He stuck his tongue out and kissed my head goodnight incase I slept. Instead, I lounged around on my phone for an unnecessarily long amount of time.

Once I actually was settled in bed, ready for the court tomorrow, my phone began ringing from Kyla.


"Millie, I don't know what to do,"


"My period is a week late,"

"Okay, that can happen,"

"Well I'm not a fucking virgin anymore," she hissed, "What if... what if?"

"Kyla, calm down,"

"Millie what do I do?"

"Take a pregnancy test,"

"And where do I get that?"

"Ask your mum. She will not be mad. It's legal anyway,"

"I'm scared,"

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