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"You seemed a bit down tonight. Is everything okay?" Dad asked as we got home, "come here babygirl,"

Kyla had apologised again, and even texted Luke herself to say sorry, and that she took my phone. She listened when I explained my point of view, and I understood that she just got excited because I had been waiting for this probably a little too long.

There were no hard feelings, but I was feeling very emotional.


"Do you need anything? A hot waterbottle? Painkillers?"

"I'm not on my period yet," I laughed, "but thanks,"

"Then come and have a cuddle with your old dad,"

We went upstairs to his room and he put his tv on, burying me in a blanket before cuddling me.

"Did you enjoy today?"

"I did," he smiled, "I'm looking forward to a weekend with you,"

"I've got a plan,"

"What would this be?"

"A surprise,"

"As long as it's not costing you money,"

I gave him a poker face and he stuck his tongue out at me, making me roll my eyes. I could feel my phone buzz in my pocket again but I ignored it for now.

I had a shower and put my hair in plaits, then said goodnight to dad. He was definitely feeling better, and I was so grateful for Kyla's family for being able to make him happy again.

When I got in bed, I looked at my phone and saw messages from various people.

But I ignored them all.

I couldn't mentally deal with it after this past week.

In the morning, dad slept in and didn't bring me breakfast, so I took his to him instead. I made vegemite on toast and sat with him while I ate mine.

"Isabelle was telling me that you and Kyla had volunteered to help clean up after the game next week?"

"Yeah. It's not really a proper game and everyone messes around,"

"That's a really nice thing to do. What's on at school today?"

"Nothing much. Some maths... science,"



"Do you not like your science class?"

"Hm? No, it's fine. I was just trying to remember my other lessons,"

"Alright. I'm going to the shop today so if you need anything just tell me,"

I got dressed and grabbed my bag, finally walking to school. I plugged my headphones in and started the walk, going in the back entrance towards form. Kyla was sat there with a smile on her face, swinging her legs off my chair as I sat.


"Nothing. I'm trying to be with dad more,"

"You left him on read- girl you really don't know how to get a boy," she sighed.

"Delivered. I wanted to be with dad. When mum was home we never got time together. I appreciate that you're excited and happy, but mum moved out on sunday and I've not processed it; it would be unfair right now to message him,"

"Ugh you're so smart," she grumbled, smiling as the bell went, "I'll see you at break,"

I packed my bag and walked out the room, bumping into people as I wasn't paying attention.

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