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The next morning, dad and I woke up late. We rushed round the house, desperate to be ready on time, but neither of us were. He still managed to make me a lunch, and then he took me to school but it was way past form.

Once I'd signed in, I went to my lessons, but none of my friends were in there. Then, at break I had detention for being late, so I couldn't see anyone still.

It was only in geography when I finally found my friends, Cal and Michael sat infront of me.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"I woke up late,"

"Damn, what kept you up?"

"I have to stay at my mum's house,"

Michael frowned and squeezed my shoulder, but I shrugged him off and sighed.

"It's fine,"

I didn't speak much to them, but we still walked to the football stands together.

"Hey, sorry I've not seen you all day," Luke said, "Are you okay?"


"I don't believe that,"

I shrugged and got my lunch out, Calum giving me a sympathetic look.

"If you need a place to stay, you can come to mine," he said, "My mum would let you,"

Realistically I'd probably stay with Kyla, who ran up the stands and sat beside me, giggling excitedly.

"What?" I laughed.

"I'm going away this weekend to see my family, I've been waiting so long,"

"Oh... that's good,"

"Don't worry, I'm not replacing you," she snorted, "You're still my favourite sibling, over,"- "Kylaaaaaaaa, give me money,"

Leo pouted and put his head ontop of mine. I laughed because Luke's grip got tighter round my waist, and it was cute.

"I don't have any,"

"I watched mum give you it this morning,"

"Then you should've got yours,"



"Millie's boyfriend? Kyla's boyfriend? Crazy hair dude? Normal one?"

"Normal," I snorted, pushing his head off mine, "Go and get a job,"

He flicked my head and Kyla slapped his arm, then he grinned and headed back to his friends.

"Man, I'm glad to be an only child sometimes," Michael said, "Is my hair that crazy?"

"Nah, you look hot," Calum said, brushing it down, "I am pretty sure nothing he says is serious,"

"It's not," Kyla scoffed, "But I'm serious when I say I'm going away,"

"I was hoping to come over," I sighed, "I'm at mum's for five days,"

"Damn, I'm sorry,"

She ripped me from Luke's arms and pulled me into a hug, tightly squeezing me. I shut my eyes and sighed, burying my head in her shoulder.

"It sucks,"

"When do you go?"


She pulled me up and shook my shoulders, looking my dead in the eyes.

"You've got this. We'll all have to do things afterschool,"

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