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The school day was overcast by the visit to mum's, and it was so hard for me to act normally.

I struggled to focus.

I barely spoke, not even at lunch when Luke was trying to have a conversation. I feared I may actually throw up in his face.

They understood once I'd told them, though, and all offered to be on standby if needed. Calum's mum gave me a lift home again and I got showered, then packed some pyjamas and clothes for tomorrow.

Dad came home and made me have some toast, then he took me round to mum's new place. The actual flats looked nice; they were tall, and clean, and there were cars parked outside.

The hallways were quiet and had carpet, but I'd much rather have been at home. Dad knocked on the door for me and a younger man opened it; not really young, but clearly younger than dad.



"Gianna! Millie is here,"

Mum appeared at the door and dad kissed my cheek, hugging me goodbye before I walked in. She shut the door and gave me a tight hug.

"This is Jaxson, he's my new partner,"

"Hi," I said quietly; he shook my hand and went to the kitchen. Mum put my bag down and we went through to the kitchen too, where they got oven pizzas out. I didn't really want to eat that but they had just moved in, so I let them off.

"How was school?"


"Are you in the good classes?"

"Yeah," I lied, sitting at the table. There were three placemats set out, one with wine, one with beer and one with nothing. I knew that was mine, and silently sat there.

"Great! I knew you'd be the top student. I hope there's no boys distracting your studies,"

I shook my head and Jaxson laid two pizzas out on the table, sitting beside mum. The pair of them began making out infront of me and I grimaced, grabbing myself a slice of pizza.

Then they did too like nothing had happened.

"Millie has never dated someone,"

"So you're a virgin?" Jaxson gaped, mum laughing too. I blushed; that invaded my privacy a lot.

"I guess,"

"It's why she has such good grades. She's perfect,"


I shifted in my seat and took another piece, avoiding the eye contact.

"Someone's getting embarrassed. Toughen up Millie," mum said, "Have you had enough pizza?"

It wasn't a question, more or a statement to let me know I had, even though my tummy was rumbling. She had gotten funny about my appearance.

I nodded and she took it away, storing it in the fridge.

"Shall we watch a film?"

"Yes," Jaxson said, "a horror film!"

"I don't like them," I shrugged.

"I think it's a great idea," mum said, "stop being so miserable,"

The fucking nerve.

I sat on the chair while they sat together on the sofa, and texted dad that I needed a big ass breakfast tomorrow. He laughed, but was clearly worried for me too. Honestly, I'd probably steal some in the night.

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