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"What the fuck?" I mumbled, rolling my face into the pillow.

My head pounded, and the sheets were a different feel to my own. I picked up my phone and squinted, seeing it was half six in the morning.

"Fuck that," I said, standing to find Luke's room. It was the third time I'd woken up in the night- we'd only got in at two.

"Please can I lay on your bed?"

He jumped awake and looked, then nodded and I climbed over him to get under the duvet.

"I can't sleep,"

"Do you want a cuddle?" he said, his voice all raspy. It made my heart flutter.


He turned to face me and put his arm round me, chuckling softly as I tried to nuzzle into him.

"Are you still drunk?"

"I wasn't drunk,"

"Yes you were,"


"Cuddle me," I whined, "I need sleep,"

But he was already snoring again.


I woke up to a loud tapping on the door, Andy stood there whacking it with his fist. It reminded me of all the door slamming mum and dad had done.

"Wake up!"

"Dad," Luke groaned, covering his ears, "Stop,"

"Luke," his dad mocked, "It's almost lunch, Joseph will want Millie home,"

He shut the door and I flinched, Luke hushing me. With his fingers, he tilted my chin up, and placed a gently kiss on my head; he was so adorable.

"How bad is your headache huh?"


"Let's get ready. Does your dad know you're here?"


He sat up and grabbed medicine from his drawer, both of us taking it before getting dressed. I had my clothes from yesterday and just put them back on, then put my hair up and washed off my makeup from yesterday.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Liz said, knocking on the bathroom door, "Do you need a drink?"

"I didn't sleep with Luke,"

"I didn't think you did," she laughed, "I heard you two arguing about sleeping in Jack's room last night,"


"It's okay. Did you have fun?"

"I... don't remember much,"

"Don't tell your dad that ay? Would you like a lift home?"

"Yes please,"

I grabbed my bag and Luke said goodbye, cheekily kissing my cheek as I was leaving the room. Inside, I felt giddy like a small child, and I was definitely going to call him later.

My confidence had shot up.

Liz dropped me back home and dad greeted me with a smile, surprising me a little. But, even though I'd taken the chance with him, I was still not telling mum.

"Did you have a good time?"


"How much did you drink?"

"A bit,"

"Yeah right. Have you eaten today?"


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