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I woke up in the middle of the night to a bang, heading out into the hallway. Dad had headed out too, and gently took my hand.

"It's your mum. It's okay, I've had the locks changed already. The police are on their way,"

"What is she doing?"

"She's banging on our door and windows downstairs. The curtains are shut, she can't get in,"

"Is that her shouting?"

I could hear slurred words, but they made no sense. He took me to his room and I crawled into his bed, tiredly waiting for the police to show up.

They seemed to get louder and I clutched onto his top- would she still get in? I was so afraid of her hurting me, or even worse, my dad.

When the police arrived, Dad spoke to them, and they took mum away, but I was pretty shaken up. Coming to school was one thing, but coming to my home in the middle of the night was another.

I wondered what happened to the mum who always protected me, and nurtured me.

"She's gone, we're safe Millie Moo,"

"I love you,"

"Do you want to stay here?"

I nodded and he got back into bed, both of us turning away to sleep. Once I got my breathing back to normal- as well as my heart rate- I managed to sleep again.

In the morning, dad brought me a fruit salad, and sat with me whilst he drank coffee. He gave me a little pep talk about talking to Kyla, but I'd woken up feeling more optimistic.

I would want her to forgive me, and this wasn't enough to throw away years of friendship. My insecurity wasn't ruining that as well.

Dad took me to school, because now he was super concerned for me, and we had a little carpool karaoke on the way.

When I got to school, I found Kyla sat by herself at a bench, and slid into the seat opposite.

"Hey. I forgive you,"

Immediately, he lip trembled, and she hid her head in her arms.

"Though it could've been carried out better, I know the intentions were good,"

"I've lost everyone,"

"You've got me. I think you've got everyone but Mike, and you can make it up to him,"

"I wasn't doing it to get close with Cal. That just happened,"

I grabbed her arm and we went to form, Michael and Calum sat there talking too.

"You two need to sort this out and forgive each other. I've had too much of a crazy week to have my friends arguing,"

She slumped into her seat and Michael sighed, turning around.

"Sorry for accusing you of things," Michael said, "I don't know why I did,"

"I'm sorry for getting really mad at you,"

"What crazy thing has happened now?" Cal said, swiftly ending that conversation before it could go wrong.

"Oh, you know, just my mum turning up to bang on our doors and windows whilst shouting at us in the middle of the night,"

"Holy shit,"

"Dad called the police,"

"Your mum has changed a lot," Kyla said, "I'm sorry,"

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