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Dad made me stay home the next day, so I took the opportunity to sleep in. I'd spiked a fever in the night, and also thrown up again; dad almost took me to hospital.

However, I slept soundly after that so we didn't. He left a note on my dressing table for when I woke up, and still made me lunch.

When I did wake up, I found several messages from Kyla, and one from Luke asking where I was, but I couldn't reply. My stomach still felt queasy.

Since I couldn't handle breakfast, I chose to go to sleep again, and didn't wake up until long gone lunch. However, I knew I needed to eat something, so I grabbed the sandwich and sat in the living room.

I felt awful.

I'd upset Luke's parents, Luke, and most importantly my dad. And my stomach. All to try and make myself less of a fool infront of the Hemmings.

I heard all of my classmates walking past my house, and driving down the street. Usually I hated missing school, but today was needed.
The first week had been challenging for sure.

There was a knock on my front door and I grabbed my key, unlocking it because I assumed it was dad with a food shop. Instead, it was all my friends, Joy and Liz at the bottom of our drive in their cars.

"Hey," Ash said happily, "We got you this,"

He passed me a box and I frowned, looking at them all.

"You shouldn't have done this,"

"We always do this," Michael said, "If anyone is upset,"

"I'm not upset,"

"Yes you are," Kyla said, pulling me into a hug, "and you're a dumbass,"


"I still don't get why you ate the fish," Calum said, "None of our parents would hesitate to get you other foods, I don't know about yours,"

I looked up at Luke, and then to Kyla, shrugging slightly. Mum would tell me they get what they get.

"Thankyou guys, for this,"

"Are you back tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I should be,"

I avoided eye contact with Luke as we all said goodbye because I didn't want to be a burden for him. However, he hung around at the end, and took my hand, which was the exact opposite of what I expected; everyone else got into Joy's car and left.

"Why don't you come and speak to my mum?"


"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm sorry for lying,"

"You should've said. I've been so worried, Millie,"

"My dad is so mad with me,"

"He'll be worried, that's all. Promise you're okay?"

"I'm okay,"

"Great. Hi Joseph!"

My dad pulled up and got out of his car, giving us a warm smile. As soon as Luke saw the shopping, he lent a hand, Liz climbing out of the car to come up the drive towards me.

"Hiya sweetheart, are you feeling better?"

I nodded and smiled, letting her hug me. It was a motherly hug, one that had been missing from me for months.

"We'll get you something nice next time, okay?"

I nodded and wiped a tear, which made her hug me again.

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