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"5 seconds of summer. That's our band name,"

Luke facetimed me on Sunday night with the news, giddily smiling about it.

"Michael cane up with it. Him and Cal are posting a singing cover tonight,"

"I'll keep an eye out,"

"Are you at school tomorrow?"


"Good. I'm taking you to school, I'm coming early. Don't eat breakfast,"


He jumped into telling me about how his brother came to visit him as a surprise, and then the notification of a new cover came up. While he did some homework, I watched Cal and Mike sing.

"Damn, they're good as well,"

"I know right,"

"You're already getting a lot of views,"

He shrugged and carried on with his work.

"Kyla is calling me, is it okay if I go?"

"Yeah, remember, be ready,"

I accepted Kyla's call instead and she smiled, laying down on her bed. Her cheeks were glowing, and she looked very excited.

"That was the best trip ever,"

"I bet,"

"We went round the city together and shopped, and we all ate at a restaurant- Milz, it was so fun. I wish you'd came,"

"Maybe next time,"

"I'm really sorry about what happened with you, I'm glad you're safe again,"

"It's not your fault,"

"Did you see the guys' covers? They're pretty dope,"



I snorted and she giggled, rolling onto her front. Aimlessly, we chatted for a while, until my dad came in and forced me to go to bed.

I wondered what Luke was planning, but I could never guess with him. Everything was unexpected.

In the morning, I got dressed into a skirt and a top, then put on an oversized denim jacket and shoes. Dad had barely got up when Luke knocked at the door, but I gave him a hug goodbye anyway and ran downstairs.

"Goodmorning," he smiled, "we're going to school,"

"I got up early to go to school?"

"Trust me,"

The sky was still dark, and I stayed close to him as we walked to school, entering the gates. Some teachers were arriving and we awkwardly smiled, Luke taking me onto the field. He put his bag down and got out a picnic blanket, then some pastries and a box of strawberries.

"I thought we could watch the sunset,"

"Someone's gonna come on here,"

"We're hidden, it's fine,"

I sat down and he scooted closer, wrapping his arm around me; I rested on his shoulders and looked up, smiling as he kissed me.

"Why are you doing this?"



He put a croissant in my mouth and I rolled my eyes.

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