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Grumbling, I sat up, jumping as I saw Millie wide awake beside me. Her lip had gone an awful purple colour, and it looked swollen.

"Breakfast is ready,"

What her mum had done to her made my blood boil. Millie was an incredible girl. She was hardworking, generous, intelligent and so beautiful. The fact that my pair of joggers started this made me feel even guiltier.

Mum and dad had sat me down last night and explained to me how Millie might react to all of this as we went along, but that we wouldn't know. Right now, she seemed okay.

Dad passed us both breakfast and he ruffled my hair, sitting with us at the table.

"How did you sleep kiddo?"


"You, Millie?"


"Has your mum tried to contact you?"

"No. I don't want to,"

"That's okay,"

He sipped his coffee for a bit and I looked at him, raising my eyebrows.

"I'll go and get you painkillers for that lip ay?" he told Millie, leaving us again.

Slowly, she ate breakfast, but it was clearly a struggle.

"Sorry I fussed over you so much last night. I was so stressed,"

"No, thankyou, Luke,"

"Are we um... still going on that date?"

"Oh- yeah. Maybe tomorrow,"

"Yeah. Okay,"


She giggled and leant on my arm, making me kiss her head. Dad brought her the medicine which she took, and then continued to eat.

"What are you two going to do today then?"

"Maybe watch some films?" I suggested, "not much,"


"If you need anything, let me know. I'm here all day,"

"Thanks for breakfast, dad,"

He took our plates and we went to the bathroom, both washing out face and brushing our teeth. Millie was clearly in pain from it, which sucked.

Exhaustedly, she kept hitting her hair out of her face, so I tied it back for her, then we sat on my bed and put a movie on. Dad came upstairs and put some of her clothes in the wash as they'd got dirty from the flat, but that was about it.

Quietly, Millie was rested on my chest, and eagerly put the next film on.

However, everything seemed to hit her at once about halfway through, and she began sobbing into my chest. I'd never been faced with someone doing this- let alone the girl I liked.

"Woah- hey, Millie,"

I pulled her head up to my shoulder and tried to hold her, but she shot back up.

"I'm terrified,"

"What of?"

"Going back,"

"You don't have to go back,"

"I don't get what I did,"

"You did nothing. Absolutely nothing,"

She looked at me and her lip trembled, her eyes meeting mine. They were so captivating.

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