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"Hey," Kyla grumbled, sitting beside me in form the next day. Calum gave her a kiss, but Michael didn't look up.


"What's up with you two?" Calum snorted, "Don't tell me my best friend and my girl have fallen out,"

They didn't say anything and Cal looked at me, both of us raising our eyebrows.

"Well, this will be fun,"

On the way to class, Kyla said nothing, slumping onto her seat.

"Why have you fallen out?"

"He's being stupid, that's all,"


"I'm just gonna ignore him,"

"You were literally high fiving yesterday,"

"Well, things change,"

"Kyla, you've never held grudges before,"

"He's a dick. Stay out of if,"

In geography, Michael wouldn't say a word to either Calum or me, but he came with me to meet Luke and Ash.

Cal and Kyla went elsewhere while we went to buy lunch, then sat down on a bench. Luke kissed me, and Ash smiled, Michael simply looking down at the table.

It was only break, and the tension was so high that I couldn't imaging handling it for the rest of the day.

"Mate, the argument can't have been that bad,"

"Someone can't admit that they used me," he said, "I'm gonna have a kick around at lunch so I won't be there,"

"Well I guess it's just us two as they just earned a detention," Ash said.

He nodded towards Kyla and Calum who were gobbing off a teacher while walking towards the office. I sighed and nodded, Luke brushing  my inner thigh. I swat his hand and he sulked, Michael grinning a little.

"Not in school," I warned, "You knew what you were doing,"

He bit his lip and laughed, Ashton rolling his eyes at us.

"You two are the most awkward couple I've ever seen,"

"Well thankyou,"

"Have a good lesson," Luke said, the bell ringing, "Please meet me after,"

"Will do,"

We all walked towards maths and I sat beside Ash, miss handing us the instructions. I'd warmed up to Ash a lot, so maths was easier as I wasn't so afraid to make mistakes.

"How are you two finding homework?" miss asked us about halfway through the lesson, "Do you retain the information?"

"Well, my dad helps me a lot," I admitted, "But I'm never clueless,"

"I'm holding afterschool interventions online, and I was thinking about adding you two. You don't have to call, but every other day I'm there to chat to for an hour afterschool. It's on an app and you can send me photos if you're struggling,"

"Yeah, that would be good thanks," Ashton said, "My mum can be busy,"

"Me too, please,"

"Great. It's not something you have to use, but it's there. I'm trialling it,"


Ash and I smiled and then got back to the work, jumping as Calum hit our desk.

"Millie, I have football training tonight. Do you still need a ride from my mum?"

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