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By the time I got home, I was exhausted, drained by the sudden amount of socialising and confrontation of all the problems in my life.

It was only Wednesday.

I hoovered the house and then got out a frozen bolognese from the freezer, putting it in the microwave to defrost it. I also put the pasta on, but dad wasn't back yet so I had to put his portion under tin foil.

I sat alone at the table eating, and texted him to see if he was coming. When it buzzed, I eagerly looked, but it turned out to be Luke. It was exciting, but I was worried about dad too.

Have you eaten?

Yes... hello to you too

Prove it

So I sent him a photo of my with a forkful of food, which got me a reply of him laid on his bed with a sandwich. He had a grey hoodie on, the hood up, and he looked so snuggly. I wouldn't have minded another side hug.

Looks nice. How was the rest of today?


That's all I'm getting? I see

Idk what you expect from me hemmings, I ain't special

awhhh sure you are. How's your dad?

My dad's not home yet : (

Want company?

I'll be good

If dad came home to a boy in the house he might faint. Plus, I wasn't allowed to bring a friend home without planning- though, dad was more chill. And I really did want company.

But I didn't know him.

But I wanted to spend time with him.


"Sorry I'm late!"

And I was almost disappointed that I had told Luke not to come round.

"I was worried,"

"You could've had a friend round," he said, kissing my head, "thankyou for cooking,"

"Can... can I still have one round?"

"Why not?" he smiled, "I've got to take another call, but I promise I'll see you later. Was school okay?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, "We'll speak later,"

Dad got home, but has a call... I guess I wouldn't mind the company

I told him my address then ran up to my room and screamed into my pillow. Feelings were confusing.

And not long later, he was knocking at the door.

"Hi," I said quietly, letting him in.

"Hey," he smiled, "wow your house smells good,"

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