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"Happy birthday!" I shouted, running into Cal's house, "17 man!"

"Hey," he laughed, pulling me into a hug, "you're the first here,"

"Are you excited for tonight?"


"Luke, do you want a drink?" Joy called.

"No thanks,"

I gave Cal his present and we sat in his room, waiting for the other two. His room was full of football posters and trophies, much different to mine, but it represented Cal really well.

"We need a band practice,"


"Upload a video of you singing," he said, nudging my arm, "come on,"

"Maybe soon,"

"Calum!" Ashton shouted, running upstairs, "17 man!"

"Luke said that," he snorted, "thankyou guys for coming,"

"It's not like half the school aren't coming," Ash said, Mike walking into the bedroom and tackling Calum into a hug.

"Yeah but you guys are who I'll be with,"

"Open your presents, what else did you get?"

"Mum got me new boots,"

"Cool," Michael grinned, "here,"

Michael had got him a bucket hat that said captain- since he was the captain of the team- and a shit ton of snacks he'd no doubt eat himself. I got him a poster of him and Duke- as a joke- and then a video game he'd really wanted. Ash had got him some new clothes, and Calum loved it all.

"Thankyou, guys,"

"We know, we're the best," Ash said, making me laugh. He snorted and I laughed more, Michael raising his eyebrows.

"You guys are crazy,"

"We need to get ready,"

"I am ready," we all said, apart from Cal.

"Well.. then I need to get ready,"


Joy brought in two trays of snacks for us, laying them on his desk. Then, she came and gave us all hugs, fixing Calum's hair. She was the most kindhearted and gentle person I knew.


"Do I look nice? I'm going out with all your parents, and the new ones,"


"Yeah, and Isabelle and Issac,"

"Have fun," I smiled, "Don't scare them too much,"

"You look lovely, mum. Mike, can you take a photo of us?"

They stood together and posed a couple of times, then she kissed his cheek and left. He got ready while we all went on our phones, then we ate some snacks and it was time to go.

We were the first there so that we could set up, so we got the coolers with drinks and food in from the car, as well as the stereo. The sun was beginning to set and the beach looked so beautiful; I loved coming here.

"Has Millie texted you?" Calum asked, "Apparently she's freaking out,"


"Not sure. This doesn't come across as her scene exactly,"

"I think she'll enjoy it, maybe it's because so many people she doesn't know are coming,"

"Tonight is your chance to get to know her more, and just have fun with her,"

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