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"Are they all your new clothes?"


"I'm going to need a fashion show,"

"No, dad," I giggled.


He left the room and began to play music from the speaker, so I had to get on the first outfit. I never used to wear tight tops, or crop tops, or shorts, but now I had them all.

I swung the door open and spun round, strutting down the hallway. He grinned and spun me round his finger, then I ran back to change.

It was safe to say I'd always been closer to dad than mum because he liked to have fun.

I did the same with all of my outfits, and then wrapped a towel round me to shower. When I came out, he snorted, and kissed me head.

"I'll put them all away. Do they all fit?"

"Yeah, you can take the labels off,"

"Okay, I'm so proud of you Millie moo,"

I went in the shower and sung to my music, then got into pyjamas and dried my hair. It was always straight, so I didn't even own a straightener to straighten it.

Dad had put everything in my wardrobe, so I went downstairs and helped him with cooking instead. I wasn't sure how well he was coping; he was calm on the outside, but who knew on the inside.

"Do you want driving to school this year?"

"I'm walking,"

"Isn't it far?"

"It's only about a 10 minute walk, dad. I'll be fine,"

"Okay, but I'll always give you a lift if you want,"

"I love you," I hummed, hugging him tightly, "Are we staying at this house?"

"As far as I'm concerned. I make most of the income,"


He served up tea and we decided to get out trays and eat in the living room to watch a film.  It didn't happen often.

"Do you want a packed lunch?"

"No thanks, dad,"

"Okay," he chuckled, "I'll let you sort yourself out. I miss you being little,"

"I'm almost 17,"

"I know,"

He sulked and continued eating.

We got a blanket when we were done and I cuddled into his side, both of us commenting on the film throughout because we were those annoying people.

"Are you sure you're okay about school tomorrow?"

"Yes, dad, I'm sure,"


I groaned as my alarm went off and I had to open my heavy eyes. I turned my LED lights to purple and looked at my phone, seeing Kyla had already sent me a ton of videos. The girl never slept.

I had them on in the background as I got dressed into my mom jeans and a yellow top that would totally go against the dress code if my school cared.

Luckily, they didn't.

My school was pretty great. The sports facilities were incredible- even though I only watched from the sides- and all the classrooms were well stocked. We had a library and a ton of benches to eat outside.

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