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"Pick up, pick up, pick up,"

Hi! It's Luke, leave a message after the beep


All the boys had gone to voicemail.

I stood outside the flats with my bags, the sky turning a horrible grey. I heard the rumbles of thunder in the distance, and my tears matched the speed of the rain that began pouring down.

I wasn't wanted.

I was a disgrace.

If my mum didn't love me then I felt like a boy never would.

"Do you need to be let in sweetheart?" a woman said.

"Oh, no thanks,"

"I'm number 89 if you change your mind,"

I nodded and smiled, shakily taking my phone out when she left. I scrolled through my blurry contacts and felt hopeless, hesitantly clicking on Joy- she was the only one left.


"Is this Joy?"

"It is, who is this?"


"Oh! Hello sweetheart, how are you?"

"I need help," I trembled, "I've been kicked out of my mum's house and I need help,"

I gave her my address and she stayed on the call.

"I'm on my way hunny. Are you safe to be on the phone?"

"I think,"

Never had I felt so alone in my life.

"I'm on my way. Are you outside?"



"Sorry for bothering you,"

"Not at all. I'm five minutes away, I can stay on call,"

I picked up my bags and crouched down behind the bins, trying to stop everything getting wet. Mum nor Jaxson had come down, and I was so terrified about the side of mum I saw.

She had always been my protector.

"Where are you sweetheart?"

"Behind the bins,"

The car pulled up and Joy got out, taking my bags and putting them in the car. Then, she stood me up and opened the car door for me, climbing in on her side.


She wrapped a blanket round me and put the heating on, gently brushing the hair from my face.

"I think we need to take a photo of your lip,"


"It's pretty busted, and it can be used as evidence,"

I went onto the camera and took a photo, shakily wiping my tears.

"I'll clean it up, don't worry. Is it okay if you come to mine?"


"Your dad is out of town?"


"I think you should call him or facetime him on our way,"

I nodded and got my phone out, requesting to face time. Almost immediately, he accepted, but he was in a very busy place.


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