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"Has Millie been?" I asked, heading back up to the shop, "she's coming out today,"

"You just missed her!" Dad said, ruffling my hair, "she seems lovely,"


"Can you get these from the stock room please?"

He handed me a list of cds and I went into the stockroom, searching for them all. I'd really wanted to see Millie, and her dad. I really missed her.

Something about her made my stomach twist, and my heart race- especially when she smiled. Truthfully, I'd never paid attention to her much when we were younger, but since last school year I'd developed a little crush.

Her and Kyla were at the weird social status where talking to popular people wasn't weird, but talking to less popular people wasn't either. They floated between, just the two of them.

Perhaps it was only because I paid more attention, but during summer she had been everywhere. It was as if the universe was pushing us together, but she wouldn't make the move.

Once I'd managed to get a seat with her in science I'd won the lottery. I could be awkward so it was my one shot.

Honestly, I was worried that she didn't like me back in the same way. Or perhaps she thought it was only because she changed over summer. My feelings were still developing for her, but they were getting stronger for sure.

I didn't understand how she could be so perfect, and how I hadn't noticed her much before the end of last year. I felt like an asshole.

However, now I got to speak to her; it was great. It made me feel so lively and awake, and I knew that soon I would have to tell her. I couldn't keep it a secret for years.

Could anyone?

I took the stock back upstairs and stayed as a cashier for my last hour, then grabbed my bag and got the bus home. The boys had asked if I could meet them tonight, so I agreed, then did my homework so mum said yes.

Which, of course she did.

My parents were honestly the best. They always rooted for me, whether it be a girl or a test, or something else, and it meant the world to me. They taught me my love for music, and raised me with manners that I was proud to have.

Not everyone at school did.

"Thanks for the lift mum,"

"I'll get you at nine, yeah?"

"Okay, I love you,"

She blew me a kiss and I got out the car, heading into Mike's house. Him and Cal were already shouting at their game, so I laid beside Ash and grabbed a handful of crisps.

"Were you at work today?"


"Anyone we know?"

"Nope," I chuckled, "well Millie, but I was on lunchbreak,"

"She's kinda cute, I'm glad you're shooting yout shot," he shrugged, "and her and Kyla are funny,"


"What did you say about Kyla?" Cal said.

"That she's funny, calm down,"

He nodded and went back to his game, Ash rolling his eyes.

"Can we not talk about our friends?" Ash asked.

"Well yeah but... I didn't want you speaking badly about her,"

"We're not speaking badly about your lover," Michael said, "okay?"

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