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"I've never been more excited for lunch,"

Today had dragged. We had a long assembly in the morning, followed by English and history- mine and Kyla's brains were mush.

"Me neither,"

"I'm glad you're feeling better today. It helped to just have a relaxed conversation with Luke huh?"

"I have such a bad crush it's not even funny anymore,"

"You've been more lowkey since he noticed your existence. I'm proud of you,"

"Get lost. He invited us to sit with him,"

"Can we? Please? Pretty please? With a cherry on top! Calum is there,"

"You've gone high-key,"


"I suppose,"

"Yes! Come on,"

She marched up the stairs and they spotted- and probably heard- her coming. Promptly, they made space for us and she confidently sat down; I awkwardly did it.

"Finally, some new company," Ashton groaned, "shut these guys up,"

Michael snorted and tucked into his crisps, though I quickly realised they were Calum's because he snatched them back.

Kyla sat close to him, and I sat close to her, then Luke sat close to me. Ashton and Michael got all the space they needed.

"Today is just boring," Michael grumbled, "Luke, do you have any food?"

"Not for you,"

"Kyla? Millie? Cal?"


"Don't you have any?" Kyla asked.

"He ate it all," Ashton said.

"Shit, I forgot lunch," I said, Kyla handing me half her sandwich without hesitation, "thankyou,"

"I'm just a really nice person,"

Calum raised his eyebrows and chuckled, looking at us both.

"So Luke invited you to our spot without a conference call, or an email, or a text, so we need to know things about you," Michael said through a mouthful of crisps.

"Like what?"

"Can you skateboard?" Ashton asked.



"Since when?" I asked her, a grin appearing on her face that told me she was lying.

"I can't,"

"Dang. Will you come to every single football game we have?" Michael said.

I shrugged and his jaw dropped, Calum sulking.

"My dad can't always do that, and I'm not walking home in the dark. And, I have studying and reading,"

"But that's boring,"

"Everything is boring to you, Michael," Luke said, "let her be,"

"You lot are a bunch of whining babies," Kyla scoffed, "our spot is better,"

"No," Calum said quickly, "Michael, stop moaning,"

He smiled and nodded, then almost gave Kyla a glare, to which she stuck her tongue out.

My stomach began to feel funny, perhaps from Kyla's weirdass jam and honey sandwich, but I held it to try and keep myself steady. It could also be because I was sat beside Luke.

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