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"I like your top," he said, "not covered in ketchup,"

"Oh- yeah,"

"Just so you know, if there's any stock you want from the shop I can reserve it for you,"

"Oh, thanks. I'm more of a book reader than a music listener, but my dad loves music,"

"Yeah, my friend Ash and I love it. Do you know Ash?"

"Yeah, well not know. I know he exists,"

He smiled and nodded; my stomach felt like it would explode. I was actually talking to Luke. I was sat beside Luke.

"Who else are you friends with? I know Kyla,"

"That's about it," I shrugged, "I don't need lots of friends,"

"I'm with you on that,"

I nodded and did some of my work, which he blatantly copied, but I didn't mind. There was some tension between us, probably created by me, and we didn't say a word for the rest of the lesson.

"I'll see you around, Mils,"

The bell rang and we left, Kyla waiting for me outside.

"Our new lunch spot is the football stands. Michael said that if we're helping them, we can go there,"

"He doesn't own it,"

"Yeah but he means the cool part,"

I rolled my eyes and she practically dragged me round school, and climbed up the stands.

"Here, and there's Luke,"

It was as if he heard his name- which could've happened as Kyla could be loud- because he looked up and saw us, waving. Ashton too.

"Tell me about science then,"

"We're partners,"


"Shut up," I hissed, "he chose me,"

"He chose you,"

"Probably because we have no other friends. He was doing it for himself,"

"You keep telling yourself that babe," she said, patting my shoulder. I snorted and got out my lunch. Despite me saying I'd have hot food, dad had slipped a lunch in my bag.

I loved him for it.

"So, my mum said she will take you home after next Monday, meaning you can come,"


"Can you come over this weekend?"

"I'm not sure. I want to spend some time with my dad,"

"That's fine,"


"Don't be sorry. He works all week, I don't blame you. I hope it's fun,"

"I might take him out to eat, and see a film,"

"He'd love that,"

I nodded and shivered as a breeze kicked in. After a long, hot summer, it was refreshing but very cold.
The bell rang and we went to English together, which bored me despite my love of reading. I hated analysing every word. It sucked all of my energy and passion for books out of me, and replaced it with emptiness.

"This sucks," Kyla grumbled, "they definitely didn't choose that word on purpose,"

"You never know," I laughed, "it could be very important,"

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