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I went to school the next day in a pink dress with little flowers on. It didn't press on my stomach, and hid my bloating. I walked in the gate and sat down before Kyla even got to school; she ran in just before our form tutor, sliding in beside me and smiling.

Then, Calum came in, also sliding into his seat. Michael slightly turned to look at me and widened his eyes, but I giggled and looked at Kyla.

"Your lipstick is smudged," I whispered, wiping it for her, "did you share some?"

She kicked me and I winced, then kept my head down. They'd got on well quite quickly.

We went to English and she didn't act like anything was different- which I supposed it wasn't, but I wanted to know about her life and she wasn't telling me. If she was invested in me and Luke, why couldn't she even tell me she spoke to Calum, nevermind kissed him.

However, I knew she might want that privacy in school, so would wait.

So I waited through next lesson too. Each tik of the clock made my brain fall asleep.

Then at break, she literally disappeared.

It was just my luck that Luke bumped into me, and slung his arm round my shoulder.

"We were looking for you. We thought you'd be ditched," Michael said, "has she said a word to you?"

"Fuck all,"

"Cal tells us everything," Ashton whined, "I don't get this,"

"You can be our fourth member for the day," Luke chuckled, "are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I have your hoodie,"

"You can keep it,"

"I can?"


"Thanks. I think my mum took loads of mine,"

"That's annoying,"


We entered the canteen and I waited as they all bough food for at lunch- apparently it was quicker. Then, we went to the toilets and had a bit of spare time.

They were being so casual; I truly envied how sociable they were as a group, and how they didn't care who I was. I cared a lot about who they were.

Also, was really weirded out by Kyla. She'd literally left me with the boy she knew I'd crushed on for years. No warning. No help. Nothing.

"Meet us after maths?"

"Well I'm with these lot anyway, so sure,"

I walked away with Michael and Ashton, weaving between people in the halls. Now that I knew they were in the same situation as me with Calum, it made me feel a little bit better I supposed.

Plus, I definitely felt like the guys were beginning to be my friends- or at least warming up to me.

As in form, Calum slid into maths just a second too late, and sat beside me. Ashton laughed out of disbelief and I couldn't help but smile too.

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