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"Goodmorning Millie moo,"

I grumbled and rubbed my eyes, dad sitting on the end of my bed. Yawning, I looked up and saw Luke in the backgroumd of the call getting ready, while I still laid in bed.

"Who's that?"


"Did you both fall asleep on call?"

I nodded otherwise he would worry, and sat up beside him. He didn't need to know it was because I couldn't sleep.

"I made us breakfast, does that sound good?"

"Yes please,"

"Do you feel okay?"

I nodded and curled into his chest, moving with him as he reached for my phone.

"Hi Luke, Millie has woken up now, is it okay if we go?"

"Yeah, have a good day!"

"We'll see you soon, you can come round one night,"


Dad waved with a chuckle and ended it, then properly hugged me.

"Are you not feeling too good?"

"I'm tired,"

"Alright, let's get you some fuel,"

We went downstairs and he handed me a plate of breakfast with all my favourites on. Slowly, I worked my way through it, and began to perk up, but I'd not slept well so it didn't do much.

"What do you need to do today?"

"Homework, for maths,"

"We will do that and you can relax,"

We went upstairs and got it out, dad letting me try first. He was super good at maths, so he found all my mistakes and we fixed them.

"Is your maths teacher helping you if you struggle?"

"Yeah, she's printing off written instructions for Ash and I to see if it's easier than listening. I think it works,"

"She sounds lovely, I'm glad she can help. I want to remind you that it's okay to struggle,"

"Yeah, it sucks though,"

"You can't be good at everything,"

"I guess,"

"Let's go on a walk, and get some fresh air. You're not usually this down,"

"On the beach?"

"If you want,"

I felt lucky to live in a little beach town. Everyone knew everyone, and we could walk down to the beach whenever we wanted. Some kids had parties there, and there was always pop up activities.

We got our shoes on and I did my hair, heading out towards the beach. It was quite busy, but we didn't mind, both of us quietly keeping to our own thoughts.

"Ice cream?"

I giggled and he bought us both a chocolate ice cream, sitting with it on a bench.

"How come you didn't sleep well?"

"I did,"

"You didn't,"

"I was overwhelmed, but I called Luke and it was okay,"

"You could've woken me up babygirl,"

I shrugged and looked up, looking at his furrowed eyebrows, and alert eyes.

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