Not Enough Of You

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Jaylen's Pov

The next morning

Jay get yo ass up"Alonna said jumping on the bed

"Wtf Lonna"I say up rubbing my eyes

"Come on girl,it's already 1 and you dont have to worry about Zayden because Chris took him to the studio with them"I sighed getting up

I took a shower and threw on something simple and put my hair in a bun.

Alonna booked a photo shoot for us and I can't lie I was excited as fuck. It was gonna be a surprise for Chris and Ty but really I wanted to do it for me.

A lot of pearls say I should look into modeling and this was my chance to see how it would work for me.


When we got there for the photo shoot there were hell of people there,They were looking at us up and down and rolling they eyes,Alonna kept her cool but I was 2 seconds away from slapping they ass.

"Alonna over here"Some dude called waving his hand

"Hey Richard,This is Jaylen,The one I was telling you about"

"Nice to meet you,so are you ladies ready to start"He asked

"Yes"Alonna said

"Ok,This is Mya Janice,they are going be helping with the clothes,hair and make up"He said looking at his clipboard

"Hi nice to meet you,You girls can follow us"Mya said

We followed them to a dressing room that was separated from all the chaos. After picking out the outfits and doing hair and makeup I really felt beautiful.

I learned how to do makeup that actually fits my face and look good on me so I was taking those lessons back home.

"Jaylen,we are ready for you"Richard said ,stood up and and followed him

During the photo shoot I had so much fun ,It was like bringing my personality to life and also bringing out others I didn't know I had. Each look we did was like we were a new person and I really wouldn't mind doing that shit again.

After the shoot we stopped and got somthing to eat and as soon as we was on our way back to the house Chris called and told me to meet them at the studio.


"Mommy"Zayden said running up to me

"Hey baby"I said kissing his cheek

"Daddy gave me candy"I laughed as he held up the candy bag

"I see,Hey babe"I said pecking Chris lips

"Wats up,I been calling you,Where you been"

"Aww we just went-"

"To go have lunch with some of my old friends,then we went to the beach"Alonna interrupted,He looked at her

"Yall dont look like yall went to the beach"Chris said

"Yea,Yall hair all done and shit"Ty added

"Ok we went to get our hair done"Alonna said,I laughed and shook my head

"Anyway,what y'all up to"I asked

"Nun just finishing up these last finishing touches on these songs before we go back "I nodded and sat on his lap

"Well lil love birds,We gonna leave yall alone,You wanna come Zayden"Alonna asked

"No I want mommy"He said taking my hand

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