Chapter one

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The war had all but ground to a halt in a blink of an eye. Lucian, the most feared and ruthless

leader ever to rule the Lycan clan had finally been killed. The Lycan horde scattered to the wind in a single evening of flame and retribution. Victory, it seemed, was in our grasp the very birthright of the Vampires. Nearly six centuries had passed since that night. Yet the ancient feud proved unwilling to follow Lucian to the grave. Though Lycans were fewer in number the war itself had become more perilous. For the moon no longer held her sway. Older, more powerful Lycans were now able to change at will. The weapons had evolved, but our orders remained the same: Hunt them down and kill them off, one by one. A most successful campaign. Perhaps too successful. For those like me and my sister, a Death Dealer this signaled the end of an era. Like the weapons of the previous century we, too, would become obsolete. Pity, because we lived for it.

At the moment my sister and I were on a stakeout hunting down some of the few Lycans that were still roaming the earth with a team of fellow Death Dealers. While Selene was lasered focus on the matter at hand I couldn't help but wish for time to stop just long enough to enjoy the feeling of the raindrops falling upon my face but I knew that it could never last.

"Iris lets go," Selene said before casually dropping five stories. She never was one to do things halfway. The good thing was neither was I. I followed her down the same way and all the way underground into a subway tunnel. As we followed the Lycans we were hunting down into the subway, something didn't feel right. It might have just been me being paranoid because of that creep who is always stating that my sister belongs to him. But even so, I didn't like the idea that we were underground with a limited number of ways to catch them without harming the humans that were on the platform. I just hope this went smoothly.

Selene and I decided to split up so it didn't seem like we were actually tailing them. But of course, that didn't work for one of the other Death Dealers somehow tipped them off about us being here. It might have been our scent because as soon as one of the Lycans saw him, all hell broke loose in a matter of nanoseconds. He pulled out a pair of guns while yelling at the top of his lungs "BLOODS" When he reveled us, it started to rain bullets. I grew worried because of all the innocent humans around but I was bound by duty and loyalty to the clan and my sister to finish this fight. I started to shoot at the pair of Lycans who started this when one of them clipped a woman. I grew angry and I started to let it out of the dogs but they soon got away. Selene followed one and the others followed the other Lycan. As they were gone I went to check on the injured woman only to see a young man already tending to her. I still went to her and the man.

"I'm sorry this happened." I handed the man some bandages. "This should help." I gave the pair a comforting smile and left to follow Selene. I found deep within the tunnels holding something. A magazine filled a unique type of bullet. "What is that?" I asked my sister.

"I don't know but I am hoping that Khan knows what it is," she said quite cryptically. All I could do was nod and head back to the car with her in tow. "How many casualties?"

"None were killed but a woman was quite injured. One of those damn mutts clipped her during the shot out. Luckily there was a human there who seemed to have a medical background. I gave him some bandages and went looking for you."

"After 600 years, you are still the most compassionate person I have ever known."

When she said that I looked down in shame. " I know it's not right for a death dealer to be like this but I.." I was interrupted before I could finish

"It's a good thing, Iris. At least you don't have to deal with that Bureaucrat. I still don't understand why Viktor left him in charge." After a while, the car ride was silent as we returned to the mansion.

When we got back to the mansion, Selene and I headed straight for the armory where we knew Khan would be. I guess news of us returning found it's way to that creep Kraven because not long after we showed Khan the bullet and he began studying it, the high-class asshole showed up. I decided that it wasn't worth my time and walked out of there when he grabbed my arm and I put a knife to his throat. "You may the leader of this house at the moment Kraven but if you touch me again you can forget having any sex for quite a while." when those words escaped my mouth, he released his hold on me and I walked out of the room with my head held high. I went up onto the roof of the mansion to enjoy the last few hours of darkness. I had a foreboding feeling in my chest that this peace and quiet was about the be broken in the most unexpected way. I hope I'm wrong

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