Part 3: Chapter 2

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'It's so cold' I thought to myself. I started to hear someone on a speaker saying " Subject two has escaped. Security units on alert" repeatedly.

'What's going on?' i thought to myself. Suddenly images flashed through my head. It seemed like I was in a hallway. Suddenly I was in a lab room, then I was at a computer flipping a switch. The computer said "Defrost sequence initiated. Lowering compression in Subject-1 and Subject-4 cryo chambers. " from there it got weird. A man in a lab coat came after me and he was then suddenly landing on a metal table, breaking it. Then men with guns began shooting at me as the computer spoke again. "Defrost sequence complete." I finally opened my eyes and realized that what I saw was real but I wasn't the one experiencing it. When I opened my eyes I was face to face with frosted glass.

"Subject 2. Get it" a man yelled out

"Over there by the chambers." another man told the first one. " Don't let it get away" he commanded.

I turned my head and saw on the other side of the glass, a short female shaped shadow crouched down in front of another 'chamber' before it scurried away. I looked back in front of me and saw the frost melting off of the glass. My eyes began to frantically search the world beyond the glass and realized that I was upside down. Lights kept flashing on and off and I saw a dead body to the right of me before looking straight again. I began to think of a way out of the glass and finally came upon one. 'This is going to hurt' I thought to myself before swing my head back and forth to hit the glass with as much force as I could muster. The glass began to break right away as I hit it. I was about to hit it once more when I heard glass shatter next to me and a woman who sounded just like my sister, let out a yelp of pain as a thud hit the ground. 'Selene!' After she hit the ground I heard metal doors begin to close. 'Shit!' I swung forward one more time and broke through the glass and felt my body hit the ground moments after. I let out a few grunts of pain myself as I hit the ground. When I hit the ground I could hear my sister struggling and tried to help her but found myself struggling with the coldness I just freed myself from.

The intercom above us began to speak in a computerized voice " Security Violation, Level 6" I felt myself start to warm up a bit " All containment personnel to Level 6." I looked across from us to the body of a scientist bleeding out and mine and Selene's clothes. I looked at Selene who gave me a soft smile before we both gathered our strength and pushed ourselves off of the floor. Once we got off of the ground we went to the case that held our clothes and shattered the glass. Once we got fully dressed I noticed a window with a keypad next to it "Pisst" I said to Selene who looked at me and I made a signal to the window. She nodded and we both walked over it. She grabbed the metal table and threw it backward. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and slammed it down on the keypad and backed away from it while Selene tried to hotwire it open. As she was messing with the wires the room started to fill up with this smoke causing me to feel a little light-headed and I saw that it was doing the same to her. We both started to take a knee and I looked up to see two men staring into the room through a window. I bared my fangs and jumped up into the ceiling with Selene. We flew down into the room where the men were and sped our way to them. Selene grabbed one by the neck and I grabbed a scapple and held it to the other man's throat.

"What is this place?" Selene asked in a somewhat scared voice. I couldn't blame her. I was scared as well and I could tell she was worried about Michael. As I was looking at the man waiting for him to answer her, the one I had grabbed another scapple off of a desk and lunged at us. "Where's Michael?" Selen asked the one she held by the neck as the other stabbed me in the shoulder making me let out a pained groan causing her to release the hold she had on hers and grabbed the other's arm and forced it into a position that broke the bone and pierced the skin. When she had released hers, he ran down the stairs as fast as he could but I paid no mind to him. I was focused on the one screaming from the pain of his arm being broken. I yanked the scapple out of my shoulder and stabbed him in the head before taking it back out and watching his body hit the floor.

I went down to one knee, panting, trying to catch my breath and regain more of my strength. 'I need blood' I thought to myself. This was the first time in a long time I have thought that. It's been at least 5 centuries. Selene gave me a hand up after catching her own breath before we both darted down the stairs following the other scientist. On our way down I handed her one of the scapples for her to use as protection. I may not understand what is going on but one thing is for sure, we weren't going to allow it to happen again. We walked down one of the many hallways to be met with a group of armed guards.

"There they are," one member of the group said as they were slowing their run in front of us.

"Stop" another one commanded of us. "Don't move" I look among the group and saw every one of them was pointing a gun at us.

'This should be easy' I thought to myself. I looked to Selene and readied my scapple as she did hers and we nodded to each other. We ran at full speed aiming the blades at the men's neck, slicing every one of their necks. We each took a knee to slow ourselves down. I stood up and looked at what we did. I did feel guilty but after being a prisoner for who knew how long, it lessened. Selene and I resumed walking through the halls, hoping to find an exit. Every turn we took, more guards came after us and we were more than ready as we took each one of them out. One made a mistake by taking his gun out as he was held by the neck with Selene. She killed him and another guard with ease and handed me the other scapple which I put into my boots. We walked away from the scene to find a window around the corner. Selene shot out the window and we both climbed onto the ledge. I watched as a red 18-wheeler pulled around the corner of the road and stood up with my sister.

I suddenly heard a man's voice raise. "No, don't shoot." Selene and I turned our heads to see a young scientist holding his hands up to two armed guards. "Let them go" we turned our heads back to the city and to the truck and jumped off the window, landing roughly on the container the truck was driving and began to roll down the length of it before catching the side to prevent us from falling off. I climb back on top of the container while Selene looked back at the building where we just escape. 'Why did they allow us to escape?'

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters. I'm sorry if this chapter was jumpy but I did what I could do with this scene. Sadly I have to admit that this was a real low point in the Underworld series. I love the movies but this one was really out there. I hope I can make it seem a bit better in the later chapters. I'm so excited, only one or two more chapters until we see David. Love you guys

-Love the Wonderland Hacker

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