Part 2: Chapter 6

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As Selene was driving up the snowy mountain, I was fiddling with my dagger while the memories of everything that has happened to us in such a short time started to come back to me. Including Lucian. I couldn't get what he said out of my head. "You're so much like her" That's what he told me as he laid dying in my arms. He told me I was so much like the woman he once loved and the daughter that Viktor murdered. Is that why Viktor neglected me? Because I was so much like her? I'm not sorry about Viktor's death. He ruined so many lives. Mine, Selene's, Lucian's, and even Marcus's. That last one got me the most. He ruined a kind man for what? To keep his slaves? Pathetic. Marcus, why are you so fixated on my sister? What happened to the man I once saw as my big brother?

As my mind kept filling up with questions a voice broke me out of it. Michael's voice. "So Iris, are you going to explain why you and Marcus seem to be so close?" He asked me. I sighed. He had me trapped in a corner.

"He was my best friend and mentor for over 600 years." Michael looked at me shocked.

"That thing was your friend?"

"Michael, don't. Marcus wasn't cruel to her so stop." Selen said defending me while keeping her eyes on the road.

"What do you mean?" He asked us.

"When Selene and I were first turned Marcus came down the stairs and met us. I felt safer with him than I did Viktor and apparently with good reason." I told him sternly. "Marcus may not look like it but he does have a kind soul. He was always looking out for me and always cheered me up when I felt like I wasn't good enough. I was thanks to him and Amelia that I have become the deadliest female death dealer with a blade while Selene was the guns and ammunition expert." I looked out of the window after I finished explaining why I was so close to the vampire elder.

After a good hour, we finally arrived where the historian was exiled.

"It looks like a monastery," Michael commented.

"It used to be. More like a prison now." Selene said kind of cold about it. "Tanis has been hiding there since Viktor's order."

"We'll be the first people he's seen in centuries," I said from the backseat as Selen pulled up to what looked like a gate.

"That's odd" She stated.


"I don't remember this gate being here before." She looked to Michael and cocked a gun before handing it to him. "Take this." She and I both climb out of the car and walked to the gate before she shot out the padlock and chain that was keeping the gate closed. Once the chain was off, we pushed open the gate and began walking closer to the monastery. I could hear Michael following close behind us in the car. I couldn't help but feel uneasy about the whole situation. It almost felt like there was someone watching us. Both Selene and I had our guards up and kept looking out for anyone or anything that could be used to watch us. Once we got closer I saw a camera in the center of the cross carving. Selene and I stopped in the same spot. I could tell she saw the camera as well. Not but moments after we stopped next to each other I started to hear what sounded like the shifting of old gears and chains. It took both me and Selene a moment to realize that it was a trap. Selene turned towards Michael "Go back" no sooner had she said the 'back' we both had a wide trap door open below us causing us to fall into a hole deep enough to prevent us from climbing back up not that it mattered for the doors closed seconds after we landed.

"Great," I said to myself as the doors closed. Not even moments later Selene and I started to hear what sounded like growling coming closer towards us. Our eyes glowed a bright blue as we got prepared for what was coming. A lycan came barreling towards Selene who just grabbed her hunting knife. The force of the impact the lycan had was enough for her to drop it. She was able to keep it far enough away from her while I came up and jabbed my dagger through its head. As the body went limp both Selen and I tossed it to the side as another set of growls came towards us. Selene picked up her fallen knife and flipped into a throwing position before throwing it into the Lycan's head.

"Thank you, Iris," She told me with a kind smile. I just nodded and ripped my dagger out of the fallen Lycan's head. We began to try and find a way out of these tunnels. After a while, we finally made it to what seemed to be the center of all the tunnels. It was a blood bath in front of us. Chains everywhere along with skeletons and corpses. I have seen many things in my lifetime but even this was insane. As we began to look around we started to hear the rattling of a chain moving. That couldn't be a good sign. So we hurried up the staircase that was on the other side of the small area. Once we got up the stairs we started to scour the halls looking for Tanis. Once we turned at a curved corner into another hallway there were two female vampires coming towards us both in lingerie and sheer robes. I readied my dagger and kept walking towards them. As the dark-haired one went for my sister I fought with the skinny blonde. She tried to bitch slap me but as she raised her hand to swing I swung my blade successfully slicing off her forearm. She let out a high pitched scream before I cut off her head. As she hit the ground a bullet was shot past my head causing both Selene and I to look at the shooter who was pointing what looked like a medium rifle with a flashlight mount on the top, at us.

"I knew it had to be you two. The stench of Viktor's blood still lingers in your veins." The man said to us. The man was Tanis.

"Tanis. I see your aim hasn't improved" my sister said with a smile. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the fact.

Tanis didn't like that comment of course. "You haven't changed" his eyes started to glow a light green. "You don't scare me Selene nor you Iris."

I lifted my bloody dagger with a smirk as the red seemed to gleam against the light. " Well, we're gonna have to work on that," I said calmly. Just a moment after I finished speaking Michael came crashing through the window and onto Tanis. Pinning the man to the wall and began snarling and growling into Tanis's face. I walked up to the men with my sister in tow. "We need to talk."

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters another chapter done. I am on a roll. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave a comment. Love you guys

Love the Wonderland Hacker

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