☯The Start☯

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As the sky was flickering with thunder, the area was dark and no lights were seen anywhere. From a distance in the forest, a woman was seen running as fast as she could. She turned her head around to see if anyone was following her but it was all empty. Holding the small black plastic tightly, she ran as fast as she could. Seeing some bushes, she hid there. A car was heard passing by but she never stood up to see who it might be. Her eyes went from the package to her surroundings. Holding on to her mobile, she typed in the message.

"Safe and sound. Hidden. Find it."

Once the message was sent, she switched off the phone, removed the sim card and placed the phone inside the bag. As for the sim card, she hid it inside her watch which had a small opening in it. Looking around, she quickly dug up the ground and placed the bag inside and covered it back with dirt. The rain was pouring heavily so she couldn't see anything clearly even at the minimum range of view. Looking carefully, she went towards the road hoping to see cars again but none appeared.

"There's no escape to this. Shit! Where's the car when you need one."

Her instincts kept telling her to get out of the road and run as far as she could but then she couldn't. She didn't know where she was. Running further away from her location, she saw another bush and kept herself hidden. Hoping at one point she could get into a vehicle, she prayed no one would catch up to her.

From a distance, a dark figure was observing her. Holding a metal bar in the hand, the figure moved slowly towards the woman. And for the foggy atmosphere she couldn't even hear the branches stirring as the figure was moving quite slowly. The figure stood behind the crouching woman who kept on looking around in front of her. Slowly tapping at the leg, the dark figure raised the metal bar and swung hard towards the woman's head.

Getting hit on the head, she felt lost. She couldn't think and move. She fell on the ground as blood dripped down her face with the rain drops. The dark figure grabbed her leg and dragged her deeper into the woods. The figure stopped at a distance and went through a big bag as if it was searching for something. Digging sound echoed with the rain and the hole was dug deep. The woman slowly gained consciousness and opened her eyes to see the figure standing up with the metal pole. The figure turned to her and stared at her.


She heard and saw the figure swinging the pole towards her...

To be continued...

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now