☯The Game Begin☯

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"No...You can never be doing this to us." a voice echoed.

The figure smirked as the figure used a knife and made a deep cut at the wrist. Cries of pain echoed the whole room as another voice begging the figure to stop it.

"Please stop this. We have done so much for you. Why are you doing this?" another voice came in.

The figure looked at them and smiled horrifically as blood was stained surrounding it's mouth

"You are yummy." the figure said.

Leaving the knife behind, the figure took a chain saw and went to the voice who asked it. Raising the saw, with a split second, the head was saw. Horrific cried echoed the place where the mass murder happened.

"How are you feeling today?" John looked at Casey as he slowly fed her seaweed soup.

"Getting better today." she smiled.

Not long later, Lilia came in with fruits basket. Placing it on the table at the side, she sat beside Casey and held her hand.

"It is good to see you alive." she said.

"So am I. It was neither Crystal not Ryle. That Three is looking to murder me." Casey insisted as John continued to feed her.

"John and I were taken by surprise hearing the sound. By the way John, how did you knew that she would be in trouble?" Lilia turned to John in curiosity.

"Well, I remembered you saying that you came over to where we live after seeing the file. That was when it hit me that Three would be coming for her after all that happened. Especially with the cop lady and Diego." he took a peek at Casey but she looked calm.

Casey hearing Diego's name and about Three, her hand was shaking but she tried to breath normal to get herself in composure.

"Are you alright, Casey?" Lilia looked at Casey with concern.

"I am fine. Though my hands are shaking, I am not going to give in easily for something like this. He did unimaginable things to Diego which was unacceptable and now he's coming for me? I will not let my life be taken easily. I was nearly killed when I nearly escaped death from there."

"I could not even imagine you being in that situation. It was definitely a horrible ." he wiped off Casey's lips and he went of to clean the bowl.

"By the way Casey, you said you saw the lady cop. How did you know that she died?" she turned to Casey.

"We were running in the forest but I told her to run off first but I did not expect her to be caught. I thought both of us will be able to escape but she sacrificed herself for me." then something hit her

"John, when you found me, did you saw any small thing with me? May be a sim card?"

"Sim card you say? I think I saw it in your pocket. I thought it would be important to you so I left it in a box in your room."

"Please bring it here soon." she looked into his eyes.

"What is it so important about it?"

"I do not know what it inside the sim card but I know something is inside." she looked hopefully.

"I will bring it but you need to rest now."

"No John. Please bring it." she plead him.

John did not want to leave Casey but then he knew how important it is for her. He gave a thought for a moment and smiled at her.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now