☯The Appearance☯

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"I'd like to thank @dharmbp99 for voting on my story. Thank you"

Casey could not believe what she heard. Her details were on a paper and Lilia came to the current address following the details. Chills were creeping within her, the fear of Three coming for her seemed to haunt her.


"Three will be coming for me. Anyway, how did you survive all these years?"

"When I was in the incubator, there was once the electric went down. During that moment I slowly regained my conscious. I saw myself in the incubator and I thought I was dead but then I did not feel any suffocation at all."

"So in which means, you were placed in an incubator that filled with oxygen then."

"It might be. At that time when the electric came back, I slowly start to doze off. When I escape from there, the others do not seemed to be alive."

"Basically, you were given a sedation. May be all of you were given a sedation and oxygen to make all of you to be a sleep." Casey turned to John who came sitting down beside her.

"How come I am the only one who survived then?"

"I am pretty sure other than your twin who had her head chopped off, the others are still alive. Maybe due to the shortage of oxygen, they must have died due to suffocation. You are lucky in this sense." Casey reassured her.

"What are we going to do now? Who is this Three you are talking about?" Lilia looked at Casey

"After you guys went missing, teenagers have been found dead with cement under their skin and a crystal that filled in with flowers. With few clues, my partner and I were able to crack who was the killer until he was kidnapped."


"We named the killer Three is because every month, Three would only kill three victims and it does not matter at what age but there were mostly woman."

"That is horrible." Lilia covered her mouth with her palm

"We were so close until My partner, Diego was kidnapped and not long later so was I. I thought Crystal and Ryle were Three but the person I saw chopping off Diego is the actual Three." Casey starts to think about who might it be.

As Casey starts to recap back everything if she is missing anything, the horrifying image of how Diego being tortured came into her mind. Feeling fear creeping in her, she starts to scream her heart out as both her hands went to her ears, coming them. She quickly stood up and went to her room.

Diego's scream echoed in her mind. His scream repeatedly echoed in her. Images of his toes being chopped off and stabs became a horrifying image to her. John, could understand how much this case affected her so badly. He went after her and saw her sitting at a corner with her hands covering her ears while her eyes shut tight.

He walked up to her and squat in front of her. Slowly patting her head, he parted her hand away from her ears and held them tight. Lilia followed behind him and saw how terrified she was. She just stood at the door watching both of them, not wanting to cause more fear.

"Casey, I am here with you."

"Die...Diego...He is..." as she quiver in her words.

"I know. Nothing will go wrong. You are safe here." John tried to calm her down with his soft toned voice.

"I can never go back there. Never." she snapped but John kept her calm.

"Casey, take a deep breath. Let it go. Breath in. Let it go." John slowly guided her.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now