☯The Abduction☯ {PART 1}

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Diego became depressed and emotionally down. He felt his world slowly began to crumble. He could not believe that he was so close to face his death especially in a drunk state. He did not consume any food properly nor even talk to Casey. Though Casey has been doing her best to cheer him up but it was all vain. He did not want to budge even a little.

"You should divert your mind, Diego."

There were no reply from him at all. She knew that he was lost in his own world.

"Diego? Please come to your sense. This is not helping both of us at all." she shook Diego.

He slowly raised up his head and looked at her with an empty gaze.

"I almost died. If I die, how will Carmen be found?"

"Diego! Stop talking nonsense."

"I am not. He came to me when I was vulnerable and do you not think that he will come to you? Maybe Carmen is not alive? How are you so sure she is? Do you know how scary it is? How-"

She raised her right palm and gave him a tight slap at his left cheek. Diego was dumbfounded by how hard the slap was. He turned to her as he looked gawking at her.

"Why did you slap me?!"

"This is not the Diego I knew. The Diego I knew was someone who loves to fool around with women and take things in an easy way. Get your mind straight." she told him with a confident.

"Did you do it on purpose?" as he rubbed his cheek.

"Why would I?"

"Because it is painful, you idiot!" and he went to take a shower.

"If I did not do that, I doubt you will be in your current sense."
as she giggled.

Once again they went through the report. Months has passed by and very soon it was about to turn 1 year. Casey was getting very upset that he could not be caught. She thought back to the time when she was attacked and the time where 3 was attacking a girl at the alley. The body structure looked almost the same but the height was slightly different. The struggle she had when getting off from chocking and wrestling with 3 at the alley, this showed a suspicion.

"If the 1 who attacked me and that day at alley is not the same, was that a coincident or there is a complies?"
she doubted herself.

"Hey, I'm heading over to Cynthia's place. It's been days since I have met her and she has been sending me many messages about missing me. I better go about to check out."

"Let me know if there is anything. I do not want to lose you at all."

"Of course, baby." he winked at her as he was about to leave.

"Bye babe." and he left.

Casey went over to the pictures that she took. 2 pictures of the incubator room and the details of the victims in the meat room looked perfect links but something seemed off. She tried to look at her notes but none came in. Her eyes wondered around until they locked over to the pictures of the 5 girls.

She looked at it closely and in that picture, she saw the location they were taken is not at the camp site but somewhere else. That place is not noticeable. She turned the picture over but no clue was there. She sighed and covered her face with the photo when she smelled something curious. She turned over to the front and smelled it comparing to the back part and realized it was different.

"Invisible ink?"

She sense it was not lime juice or milk but something she was familiar with. Using light bulb or fire is not going to help out any. She tried using baking soda by painting on the back of the picture but nothing appeared after a few minutes. The last choice she had was to rub salt on to the layer. 

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now