☯The Abduction☯ {PART 3}

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Casey could feel her face being splashed by water. Her hands were feeling tired as she sat on the ground while her hand being chained hung above her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the person she suspected.

"You..." her tone turned sour.

"Yes me. How happy to see you again." as the person in front sat with legs crossed over.

"My hunch was right about you. You vile woman."

"It is all my pleasure."

"Whatever your pleasure is, you will not escape." warned Casey.

Though she knew that she has no way to get out from the place but she did not show the slightest bit of fear to the person in front.

"How did you guess was me? I know you are a smart woman but to have a hunch on me? Interesting." as she smirked at Casey

"You're Crystal, daughter of Adam and Zoey. You have a brother and his name is Ryle. Both of you are-"

"That is enough about us. You have guessed our history and how we end up here but then, you do not know who we actually are." as she laughed cynically, she slowly walked towards the door when she heard Casey chucking.

"What are you laughing about?"

"Woman, you may think I do not know a single bit but I do." she looked confidently at Crystal while she walked slowly to Casey.

Holding on to her chin and lifting up slowly, Crystal looked at Casey with her brows frowning at what she meant with her words.

"You know about me? My Ryle?" she said as her head tilt to the side.

Unable to hold in her anger, Casey spit at her face causing Crystal to move back and wiping off the saliva. Feeling anger rising in her, she went towards Casey and punched her as much as she could. Casey could taste the blood from inside as her jaw was getting sore.

"One more time you do that, I have other plans for you." said Crystal as she stood up wiping off her blood stained fist.

"Do you think you are the one who is strong here? You are just another coward." triggered Casey

"Just get into that resentment again, you psychotic cannibal."
thoughts went through her mind

"I know what you are trying to do here, Casey. Whatever you say, it is not going to change any of the mind. Until you learn something, enjoy the show which will be presented to you in a short while." and she laughed as she walked out of the room.

"Shit!" she exclaimed in anger.

Not long later, the transparent window in front of her came in view as the room was lit up. Diego was there on the chair tied up as she saw before. The hooded figure appeared with gloves worn. The figure took a dagger, looked at it closely and turned to Casey. 

Her fear crept in her as she prayed hard that that figure would not do what she's thinking. Noticing the lips turning into a big wide grin, the figure was seen slowly slicing off Diego's arm. Diego screamed in horror of the pain.

"Stop! No! Let him go!" but it was all in vain.

The room she was soundproof and in the room was only left with a speaker at the top corner. Diego screamed at the top of his voice as the hooded figure kept peeling his skin bit by bit. Casey's tears slowly dripped down.

"STOP!" she kept screaming it out but it was useless.

The figure was enjoying it. After peeling out a few layers, the figure was seen going to another corner which has the sink, the figure was seen washing something and was seen taking it and holding on to the hand. The figure walked towards the window, facing Casey.

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