☯The Question☯

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PS: I would like to thank sandychk123 and sapphiron8 for voting my story.

 (13th June 2019, Day 1 after the kidnap of Carmen)

Diego and Casey looked at each other, trying to figure out what is going on and how Carmen was kidnapped.

"Do you remember her being in the camp?" she asked.

"I don't remember her attending any or how old she was if she attended."

"How about you try asking your sister about it." she asked him.

"I have sent her a message about it. My brother in law said he is not sure about it either." he sat on the couch in distraught.

They were confused and unsure on how to deal with it. Not long later, they've received a call. It was Mr. Rylan.

"I just heard about it. I am sorry about this."

"This is devastating. His death will be on my hand!" he said in anger.

"Diego, you need to calm down. You guys have been solving things in your way and if you use anger now, I doubt you guys will be able to solve like how you guys used to before all this."

"We will be able to. No worries."

"Just get it done." and they hung up.

"Diego, chill. This is to test our patience. Do not think much at all for now."

"What do we do now?"

"Let us go to that place. I am sure she would be there. So far Three did not guess we are the ones who have been infiltrating his operation so this is the only way we can get it done." she reassured him.

They drove the car to the location. With caution, they went into the hall in the cottage. After pressing the button, the shelf moved to the side and they went down the pathway. Pushing in the door and shinning at the room, to their surprise, it was empty. They went from one corner to another but there were no clues included in it. There were no clues nor any items seen. The room was totally empty.

"What the hell?!" he shouted.

"If there's nothing here, what about that room?"

They looked at each other and quickly dashed towards the kitchen. They slide away the metal slide and went down the pathway. Pushing the inner door, they stepped in to an empty room. They searched the place but saw nothing. No pictures, no white containers nor the organs.

"Where the hell did he move to? First of all, where the hell are the things?!" Casey sat down in shock.

"Where the hell did Carmen go to?"
Diego's hand went to his head with disbelief.

(15th May 2019, 30 days before the kidnap of Carmen)

None of them spoke to each other at all. The summer camp, Crystal Flower and the missing girls name are just the same. They could not understand what is going on.

"Casey. Enough with this silence. Can you tell me how far this is going to be?"

"Look, this is definitely confusing and I'm not able to figure out how they are related but what we can be sure of is that we have located where Three has been kidnapping the girls and hiding them."

"Do you think it is any worth of it?"

"We need to find a way to break them."

"Are you sure it is going to work?"

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now