☯The Lost☯

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"Casey, have you seen John?"

"No, I haven't." Casey answered Mr. Logan as she continued doing her homework.


A voice gave Casey a big jump until she fell over her chair. John looked at her and started to laugh hysterically.

"You rascal!"

Casey stood up quickly and started to chase John all over the garden. Both parents came looking at them wondering what was the havoc about and start to laugh themselves.

"Casey, stop. I'm sorry." John showed up both hands as a defeat.

"There's no sorry for you!" She took a hose which was beside her. Turning on the tap, she start to sprinkle him.

Mr. Henry tried to stop his daughter but then she started to sprinkle him as well. Looking at how her mother was laughing at her father, she sprinkled everyone including Mr. and Mrs. Logan. John that moment, ran to Casey, grabbed her waist and pushed her down.

"Caught you. I win." Casey looked at John with a pout.

"No you did not."

"Don't pout like that. You're ugly when you do that."

"Why you!" this time she pushed him down and start pulling his hair.

"Enough! Both of you. Casey. John. Stop fighting. Just because both of you are kids, doesn't mean we will let you off that easily." said Mr. Henry while, his daughter away from John and same goes for Mr. Logan, pulling his son apart too.

Both of them stood up, looked at their parents and to each other and then to the ground.

"Now say sorry to each other." With a stern voice, Mr. Henry gave the 'punishment' glare to both of them.

They looked at each other with anger and annoyance but couldn't blurt out the 'sorry' word.

"One. Two.." Mr Henry began in counting.

"I'm sorry and we're sorry." Said both of them to each other and to their parents.

"No, go back to your rooms respectively. Both of you are grounded for a week." Mr. Henry pointed at their rooms.


Casey and John couldn't believe it but Mr. Henry decided not to budge away from his decision. As they walked into their house respectively, both of them showed tongue at each other. Both their mothers followed them to help them get changed out of their wet clothes.

"Henry, you don't have to be stern with them. They're just 8 and were just playing." Mr. Logan tapped on Mr. Henry's shoulder.

"I have to or else they will turn out as enemies rather than friends."

"Whether you like it or not, they are friends. Just that they don't show it. Like us." Both of them laughed together thinking back the moments they shared their bromance.

Casey and John grew up fighting and arguing with each other. Though they live side by side in the neighbourhood, they never stop fighting each other. They prank each other until both of them did end up in hospital from breaking their own arms.

Casey's father, Mr. Henry is a wealthy person. He bought spare land and turned it into a beach. He even bought a market which was few streets down the road. With this, he helped jobless people by giving them a job at the market. John's father, Mr. Logan was the co-partner in the business and it was running well.

One night when Casey was sleeping, she heard a breaking noise in the hall. She got out of the bed and slowly looked out of it and saw her parents being held at gun point. The armed man shot her parents and fled away. She stayed in silent while it happened and didn't leave her room. John was coming back with his friends from a party when he noticed Casey's house entrance door was wide open. When he entered, the sight was unbearable. Remembering Casey, he called for her and dashed to her room. Casey was staring straight without expression.

He called, shook and even slapped her but all were in vain and she was not getting back to her normal state. He called for the police and brought her to his house and notified his parents on what happened. They helped out with the funeral and tried to cure Casey's situation.

Days passed by and Casey didn't get back to her normal ways. Thinking hard as he went through his mobile phone, he came across a video of her parents playing with her in the theme park. The voice of laughter and her parents talking to her made her to look at the mobile phone. Slowly, her tears dropped and cried out loud. Looking at her situation, he hugged and calmed her down.

Months passed by and things had begun to go back to its old state. Casey sold her parent's house and stayed over at John's place as they were worried anything might happen to her or history might repeat. Both John and Casey continued their studies according to their passion and finished it.

"John, someone asked me out on a date." Casey mentioned while both of them were lying on the ground listening to music.

"Asked you? Who is it?"

"Fred." John sat up quickly looking at Casey. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Fred? Fred the Jerk?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?" Casey looked at John with curious.

"Do you even know why they call him 'the Jerk'?"

"Because he acts like a jerk to you guys while lovely to the girls."

"Screw it. He is a playboy and how can you even try to go out with him?" Casey couldn't accept it easily and stood up.

"Stop saying that about a person before knowing them."

"You talk like you know him well." John stood up with annoyance.

"Of course I do. He was being nice to me all the while in college and we had a few drinks at the coffee shop as well when we walked over to each other. He has been nice to me."

"Forget it. Don't ever think about going out with him."

"Why should I even listen to you? You're not even my boyfriend so stop behaving like one."

"I'm your BFF for Christ sake. Won't I care for you?"

"All you care about is your boy scout group and nothing else." This caused John to fuel up in anger.

"Stop talking as if you know everything."

"Then you stop judging people before you have even met them."

"Do you know what type of person he is? I know him for the past 5 years. You've seen him and you're talking like that?"

"People change. So did you."

"Let me show you how he treats a woman then."

John pushed her to the ground and pinned her as he looked at her. She looked at him in a surprise. He looked at her from her golden brown hair to her amber eyes, nose, ears, cute lips and chin. He felt her looking different than usual.

"Has she been this cute since before? Why haven't I noticed it?"
He thought to himself. When their eyes met, he felt a tingling sensation that was new to him. He felt as if everything was new to him.

"Have you seen enough? You've showed me well already. Now move off you heavy buffalo." and pushed him over.

"Huh?" he looked at her blankly on what had just happened.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm still going out with him. That's final" and she went into the house.

"What just happened? What was that feeling? Am I in love with her?"

To be continued...

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