☯The Gift☯

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"I give up." Diego was seen slumping back to the couch with unexplained emotions.

Casey looked at him and could understand what was going on. Been weeks and they are not able to get any clues from the victims. All the patterns are the same as the previous murders. The neat clothing, no scars and crystal filled flowers. The only differences were from toe to thumb and victim's flower of current month to the coming forth month.

"How about you try to take a walk?"

"A walk?" he looked at her.

"Yeah. To clear your mind off."

Without saying a word, he left the house and walked down the street. On the way to his favorite bar, he came across a brochure stating there is a festival going on in town. He thought about Casey but then he wanted to clear off his head so he proceeded to the festival . As he walked down, he saw Cynthia. The hugged each other and starts to enjoy the festival.

"Babe, I would like to go fishing."

"How in the world are we going to go fishing?" he raised his eyebrow while looking at her.

"There!" she pointed excitedly at a stall that has goldfishes.

It was a goldfish scooping game. It is a Japanese game in which the player would use a special scooper to scoop the goldfish. Cynthia went over to it and looked excitedly at the goldfishes.

"A beautiful goldfish for a beautiful lady." smiled the keeper while looking at Cynthia who was hipped up.

"How much does it cost for the scooping?"

"3 dollars."

"It is expensive!" Diego said with annoyance.

He felt his shirt being pulled and he saw how badly Cynthia wanted the goldfish. Giving up to her cute expression, he tried to scoop the goldfish. Every single time he uses the scooper to scoop it, the paper breaks. He was at the verge of giving up but then his eager on wanting to impress his girl became the priority. He tried again and again and again which to 30 tryouts but still failed in it.

"I am sorry, babe. I will buy you a new one."

"But I wanted 1 of those pretty fishes." she made a pouting look and her face turned sad.

"I do want to go again but I finished up 90 dollars. If I were to go more, I will be out of cash to even survive for this week."
he looked at her and scratched his head not knowing what to do.

Looking at how badly Cynthia wanted, the keeper felt pity for Diego and decided to give out a goldfish to them. Diego insisted it is alright because it did not seemed fair but then the keeper told him that Cynthia's happiness is way important than a pride. Feeling grateful towards the keeper, Diego gave him a key chain and Cynthia thanked the keeper.

He looked at how wide she was smiling and being happy looking at it, he calmed down. As they passed by, they tried so many foods and they were enjoying the moment. Coming to a shooting game, Cynthia pointed at a big teddy bear she wanted so badly. Checking at the price that was written and looking back and forth to his wallet, he decided to give it a shot.

Aiming at each shots, he shot at a precise bull's eye. There were a few people gathered around the stall looking at how cool Diego was shooting. After shooting at each shots, the stall keeper was feeling so down as he passed the biggest teddy bear in the stall to them. Most of bystanders clapped Diego on the precise shooting. All of a sudden, someone tapped on his shoulder. Turning, he was shock to see a guy in mask.

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