☯The Hint☯

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"Honey, are you ready?" Casey called from the entrance

"Hold on. I need to go to the washroom." Diego showed an uncomfortable face reaction.

"Come on! How come whenever we need to go grocery shopping you have to go? " frowned Casey. She closed the door and sat on the couch.

"If you're in my shoe, you will know it. You don't know how much it is to have your tummy grumbling over." he cried as he sat forgetting to close the door. The sound of him pooping can be heard till the living room.

"Why is it so loud until I can hear it till here?" she turned around and saw him enjoying is pooping as if he is loving his ice-cream. He turned to her.

"You want to poop?"

"How the hell are you going to even have a girlfriend in the future with this attitude?" showing a throwing up expression at him.

"Are you one of them? Come on, you know how many girls are falling for this handsome, hot FBI." as he winked at her.

"Me? I regret being your friend till this day with your disgusting habits. Yet, what can I do? You are the only one who can handle me."

"Come on baby, not like you're that hard to be handled."

"If you fall in love with someone and that someone hears it from you, you will be in a break up within hours." she turned away as she looked at a magazine.

"Stop reminding me. It haunting me of the time where you faked up as my girl. It was hard to get Ileana out of my back. She's been hovering all over me."

"That's what you wanted. Are you done? It's making me uncomfortable to have you telling me which girls are interested in you while you are shitting. It's bloody disgusting especially thinking back how Ileana tried to have sex with you."

"You don't say." Diego cleaned himself up and walk over to her. He was about to touch her when she placed a barrier between them.

"Did you wash?"

"Come on. We are buddies. Let's be cool-"

"Come any closer, your ding dong will not be in its' place."

"Seesh. Stop being a spoil sport will you." she went over and washed his hands.

"Lets' go now honey before we miss the desert."

They left and drove straight to the Lancers.

"Anyone following?" Diego asked.

"Not at the moment." as Casey looked around.

They looked around and went to the door as they rang the bell. Johnathan opened the door and let them in with a small smile and a handshake. They saw Jenny sitting on the couch holding on the Adrian's clothing. It was a sad situation to look at.

"Jenny, how are you?" Casey sat beside her.

"My baby. My poor baby." Jenny held tight with tears.

"Any news, Johnathan?" Diego asked.

"So far, nothing. They said the killer couldn't be found. They said there have been many cases going on."

"There has?" he signaled Casey.

"Yes. It's heartbreaking to see people missing every single day."

"Did you try asking his friends?" Casey asked.

"I did. They said they had a great time at the restaurant. They were having fun and they were celebrating his birthday."

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now