☯The Similarity☯

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(7th May 2019, 1 month 6 days before the kidnapping of Carmen)

Casey tried calling the girl but then there was no answer. She called her parents and gotten the address. After moments later, they arrived to her house. Entering the house, there was a deep silent.

"Is everything alright?" Diego asked curiously.

"After picking Laurel up from the location, we tucked her to bed. We wanted to report just now about what was going on but when we went to her room after waking up, she's gone. She is nowhere to be found."

"WHAT?!" Diego's voice echoed the house while Casey stood up speechless.


"She went missing." said Laurel's father and they started to cry. Casey went speechless. She couldn't understand.

"When is her birthday?" she asked.

"15th May." her eye went big.

"Can we see her room?" Diego asked.


Diego and Casey went into her room and they start looking around for clues. It was the same as other college kids which had books, a guitar and other usual things. There were no clues to strengthen any of it. While going through her desk, in the drawer she saw a small box. Upon opening it, she saw a crystal filled with a flower which was none other than Hawthorn. They looked at each other and went to her parent.

"Sorry, can we know how did she got this?" she showed it to them.

"Where did you find this?" Laurel's mother took it and looked at it.

"On her desk. It looked pretty so I was curious about it." said Casey trying not to be obvious

"She got it 2 days back and there was a card mentioning that it is an early birthday gift."

"Do you still have the card?"

"No. We've thrown it. Why are you asking us so many questions? Just because you saved our daughter, does not mean you can barge into our life like this and interrogate us like this." she raised her voice and hugged her husband.

He signed them to leave while bringing her into their room. Casey saw her leaving the crystal on the table and quickly snatched it and left with Diego. They went back home and looked closely at the crystal to note any clues in there but it was in vain.

"Who is Three targeting? What's going on?" Casey scowled in anger.

"Seems to me it was like Three's way of dealing but you're taking your time to see it. Told you before it was Three but you failed to believe me." he sulked.

"It is not about believing you or not. Our job is to suspect people and interrogate them to catch them. Not to catch the innocents. We're smart and need to know we're on the right track."

"You tell me where this lead us now?"

"Shut up!" Casey threw her pillow at him and looked back at the reports.

"Shouldn't you shut up due to your throat?" Diego looked at her but then a shoe was flown at him.

"Go away."

"Fine. I am going to sleep. Do not stay awake long - get some rest. You need it more."

"Go." she warned him.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now