☯The 13th May☯ {PART 2}

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Though she was nervous, she pulled the sheet slowly and saw a transparent box and in it was someone. Though it was transparent but it was slightly blur. Thankful to the light transparent box, she was able to lift it and place it on the ground. She looked back at the table and saw a body. Looking closer at the body, she was taken by surprise.

"It can't be..." she thought as she took a closer look at the body.

From the back, a right hand was reaching towards her.


As a right hand was reaching to her, she did not sense any. As the hand reached for her shoulder and tapped at it, it shrunk her heart. Her heart beats fast. When she slowly turned to see who, she felt her heart stopped for that 2 seconds. It was Diego!

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" she cried and kept hitting him on his shoulder.

"What the fuck? Seriously? That is the first thing that came into your head when you see me?" as he raised his right eye brow at her.

"You left me speechless. You could have at least called my name."

"Call your name in this dark? Would that not creep you out more?"

"Screw you, Diego." she rolled her eyes but then when she looked at him, she hugged him tight.

"Are you alright?" as he rubbed her head.

"I thought was Three and I thought I was gone for a few seconds." she sighed.

"By the way, why did you come here alone?"

"Rather than that, how did you know I came here? I saw you kissing Cynthia." they looked at each other.

"We kissing and were about to cook dinner when the knife accidentally fell on her feet. I brought her to the hospital and doctor said she needs to rest for 1 night there. Wait. How did you know we were kissing?"

"I stalked you before I came here."


"I need to make sure you are busy before I can come over since you said you have plans tonight but answer me this. How did you know I was here? And how the heck did you got here?"

"I have a tracker on you and I asked Grey to help me out since he said he was nearby"

"Tracker?" she gazed at him

"I told Sven to track your mobile phone and keep me updated on where your location was. I received a message from him on this and that was when Cynthia injured her feet."

"Now who is the stalker?" she looked closely at him.

"I am sorry. I was worried after you are attacked that day and I know you in person that you hate to leave something behind. If I did not do that, if Three were to catch you, I doubt I know where you are."

"True. Anyways, lets' talk once we are home. We need to get clues before Three comes back." and she turned back to the body.

Both of them looked at the body and realized it was Laurel. She was naked and looks asleep. Casey tried to wake her up but then she was not moving. She tried to open Laurel's eyes but then it was shut tight.

"Hey, her eyes are shut tight."

"How is it possible?" he asked.

She turned to Laurel's leg and saw her right big toe was missing. She took a closer look at the toes and was speechless. Diego was confused at her being speechless and went to look at it with her and left him out of words. Laurel's body was filled in cement. She touched Laurel's body from the leg to her face and realized some parts were sinking. She estimated the cement was recently inserted. She looked at the whole body and noticed no marks at all. Feeling curious, she told Diego to help her to turn the body. As she turned, she noticed a small incision at her back.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now