☯The Beginning☯

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Casey felt a vibration under her pillow. Pulling out the device, she slowly got down from her bed, checked outside of her room door and locked it. Looking at her pager, she called the person who sent the message.

"Sir," her tone was stern.

"Casey, I need you here in 5 hours. Someone will be coming over to your house to pick you up."

"But sir, Mr Logan and his family are here. It is not safe for me to come over just like that."

"You will come over once they're asleep. By the way, how do you feel about your parent's killer being captured?"

"How did you know?" Casey was shocked at the news told by him.

"You know what we are working as and you know well on how procedures are."

"Sorry, sir. I've totally forgotten that."

"It's alright. How are you feeling?"

"Maybe it's best to not talk about it this time." she hoped her chief wouldn't ask her again.

"As you wish. Get ready, pack your bags and leave."

"Yes, sir. See you in 5 hours."

Casey looked at her watch and packed the necessaries but it was nothing much. She left her purse, ID card and her phone. She knows the moment she's been called in, she needs to leave everything behind. Few moments later, she saw flashes at the window. Understanding the flashes even though it was a bad translation, she quickly locked the door and snuck out through the window. Before jumping down the window, she took a last glance at her room and left. Following 2 men in black into a black van, she gave one last look at the house as it slowly disappeared away from her sight.

"I'm sorry everyone. Will miss you."
She thought.

"Missing already?" Someone asked from behind and she turned to the broad-shouldered guy and punched his arm.

"As if you don't. Your Morse code still sucks, Diego. Did you know that?"

"Hey! At least I've gotten better at this."


"Hey, I don't know how long this mission might be but you need to stay strong."

"Don't worry. I always survive," she smiled.

"Welcome back."

"Gladly," she said as they fist-bumped each other.

They smiled at each other as the van slowly drove through the empty highway. After 2 hours of driving, the van went into a building. They got out of the van and into the building. It was an empty dark building. Thanks to Diego, they were able to get to the elevator. Using a key pin, Diego placed it inside a small hole and pressed on the 'G' button. The elevator went down a few levels and stopped at the last level. When the door opened, people inside were seen busy in front of their computers. At the corner right, a few newbies were being trained in gun shooting while at the left side, a guy was seen showing a man their devices. They went passing by further inside as they arrived at a metal door. Diego scanned his card and they went in. It was a closed room with an office-like environment. At the desk, the chair's back was facing them.

"Diego reporting for duty, sir!"

The chair turned and the person on it looked at Casey.

"At last. You're here."

"Pleasure is all mine, Mr Rylan," she said as they shook hands.

"Right on time after speaking to you through the mobile phone," he smiled.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now